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New From ShelBroCo!

5and5 title

Spoke Divider

Founder Sheldon Brown
with the Prototype
Left-Side Drive

Sheldon with left-side drive bike

Do you remember when a “10-speed” bicycle actually had 10 speeds?

Are You Dish-Gusted with potato-chipped rear wheels?

Now we're up to 10 sprockets at the rear wheel alone, and counting...

Of course, that's great – more is better! But having all the sprockets on the same side of the wheel is silly in the extreme! If present trends continue, before long the right-side spokes will have to lean to the left, or else cyclists will lose their balance reaching for the right pedal! Either of these developments would put an end to cycling as we know it!

To the rescue: the ShelBroCo 5 and 5 system.

Our revered founder, Sheldon Brown, (photo at left) proved the feasibility of a chain on the left side with his prototype system (see detail at right). Now we take his innovation to the ultimate level. With five sprockets on each side, the ShelBroCo 5-and-5 System gives you all the advantages of the classic ten-speed that you know and love, and of a modern ten-sprocket system, and much, much more.
left-side crank

A close-up view of the Prototype System

Spoke Divider

This is it!

ShelBroCo TwinKaSets, TwinDerailerz, the C-Nanotube™ Chain...
a world of innovation!

Mouse over the image to locate these -- and more!

Spoke Divider

It's not (only) about the Dish! Enjoy a nice, tight Q-factor for carefree cornering! No more clumsy, time-wasting double shifts! Chain angle is never a problem especially when used with S-Broco Hi-Gain Cranckx™. Drive efficiency increases by more than 15%!**

ShelBroCo DoubleCross™ spoking stabilizes your wheel against rotational and lateral torque! The 5 and 5 system is a perfect complement to ShelBroCo Symmetrispokes, because, at last, the rear wheel is truly symmetrical!

The ShelBroCo 5 and 5 system is available in configurations to match the needs of any cyclist!

Spoke Divider

The experts speak:

This does it! Out of retirement!

L. Armstrong, Austin, Texas

Two dancing chains --quarter-step -- I've been outdone! Gears4U!

-- F. Berto, San Anselmo, California

Ce système à deux chaines est totalement formidable! (Translation: "it's awesome!")

P. de Vivie, St. Etienne, France

Jetzt Fünf und Fünf. Weg mit Sechs! ("5 and 5 now. Away with Six!")***

Wolfgang (“Zwölfgang”) Gronen, Germany

I must have this!

W. Weenie, Boise, Idaho

Spoke Divider


Building on the Work of
The Inventor of the 5-and-5 System,
Product W, Carrababy, Tork-Grip Universal Torque Wrench, Real MAN Saddles, Symmetrispokes, the Geomagnetic Booster, and
POWerwheels, Sheldon "Genius, But Modest" Brown
George Brown photo

Spoke Divider

Order Yours Today!!!

Spoke Divider
Unconditional Lifetime Guarantee!!!*

*Guaranteed for the life of the chain, or two weeks, whichever comes first. This guarantee does not apply to any 5 and 5 system that have been used in competition, touring, commuting or off-road, nor to any that have been used on bicycles not specifically designed for the 5 and 5 system, nor for any 5 and 5 system that has been backpedaled or dropped the chain(s). Void where prohibited, prohibited where void, keep away from children and animals, use only with adequate ventilation. Note: Misuse of this product may lead to death or even serious injury!

**testing performed by Rusty Chain Laboiatories, a division of ShelBroCo

***Many bnext year,even more ultimate.

Spoke Divider

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Products (Try them all!)

Item          PriceQuantity
ShelBroCo 5-and-5 Ultralight TwinKaSets
     (Sold in pairs, left and right)
ShelbroCo TwinKaset hub
(Reversible, in case you would rather ride backward, Specify spoking.)
Also available built into wheels:
     ShelBroCo DoubleCross, 16 paired spokes $2149.98
     ShelBroCo 3-spoke carbon-fiber composite $5979.98
     ShelBroCo carbon fiber disc wheel $8997.98
Less is more!
ShelBroCo Carbon Fiber Rear TwinDerailerz
     (sold only in pairs, specify road or MTB)
ShelBroCo Carbon Fiber Front TwinDerailerz
     (sold only in pairs, specify
       double or triple,
       top-pull or bottom-pull and
       chainwheel size (whew!))
ShelBroCo C-Nanotube-reinforced Chains
(Answers any impertinent questions about “weight” .18 grams. This chain is the lightest and strongest ever made!)
     (Sold in pairs)
ShelBroCo 5-and-5 10-position indexed All-in-One Shifters
(The perfect companion to our line of drivetrain parts)
     MTB integrated$899.95

Amount (Sending Limit:) $999,534.35 (USD)

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Spoke Divider

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Articles by Sheldon Brown and Others

Since April 1, 1995

Copyright © 2011 Sheldon Brown

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Last Updated: by Harriet Fell