The Mikado Photos
By Sheldon Brown
M.I.T. Student Center, November, 1998
The Overture
A wand'ring minstrel, I...
...a thing of shreds and patches...
...of ballads, songs, and snatches...
I've got a little list...
In which of my capacities? As First Lord
of the Treasury, Lord Chamberlain, Attorney General, Chancellor
of the Exchequer, Privy Purse, or Private Secretary?
Three little maids from school are we,
Pert as a school-girl well can be,
Filled to the brim with girlish glee,
Three little maids from school!
It goes against the grain. They are not young
ladies, they are young persons.
But as I'm engaged to Ko-Ko,
To embrace you thus, con fuoco,
Would distinctly be no giuoco,
And for yam I should get toko--
Life without Yum-Yum--why, it seems absurd!
Oh, fool! to shun delights that never cloy!
Come back, oh, shallow fool! come back to joy!
The state of your connubial views
Towards the person you accuse
Does not concern us!
For he's going to marry Yum-Yum--
O ni! bikkuri shakkuri to!
Braid the raven hair--
Weave the supple tress--
Deck the maiden fair
In her loveliness--
I mean to rule the earth,
As he the sky--
We really know our worth,
The sun and I!
My morals have been declared
Particularly correct;
But they're nothing at all, compared
With those of his daughter-in-law elect!
To his daughter-in-law elect!
My object all sublime, I will achieve in time,
I wasn't there.
Oh, bother the flowers that bloom in the spring!
Mercy even for Pooh-Bah.
Traitor, you have deceived me!
For he's gone and married Yum-Yum--
With laughing song
And merry dance,
With joyous shout and ringing cheer,
Inaugurate our new career!
This page created and maintained by: Sheldon Brown (but I stole some graphics from the The MIT Gilbert & Sullivan Players site!)
Updated Sunday, December 6, 1998