Becky Tracy & Keith Murphy

Matt & Shannon Heaton

Lissa Schneckenburger & Corey DiMario

"Brattleboro to Boston, In Search of The King:
The Vermont-Boston Traditional Music Connection"
Live at Passim, October 8, 2007

Becky Tracy & Keith Murphy; Matt & Shannon Heaton; Lissa Schneckenburger & Corey DiMario are all scheduled to be headliners at the Boston Celtic Music Festival (BCMFest) in January. They got together around the corner at Club Passim on October 8, 2007 for a bit of a preview of BCMFest.

It was a great show. I took a bunch of photos and a few videos from my table. The light was pretty dim, so the image quality isn't the best, but here's what I got:

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Shannon Heaton Becky Tracy & Keith Murphy
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Matt & Shannon Heaton Sean Smith, Impresario
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Corey DiMario & Lissa Schneckenburger Corey DiMario, Lissa Schneckenburger, Keith Murphy


Will You Go? Matt & Shannon Heaton

Lissa Schneckenburger & Corey DiMario

Corey DiMario, Shannon Heaton, Lissa Schneckenburger,
Matt Heaton, Becky Tracy & Keith Murphy

Belle of the South Shore (S.H.), Jennifer & Don (C.DiM.)
Corey DiMario, Shannon Heaton, Lissa Schneckenburger,
Matt Heaton, Becky Tracy & Keith Murphy

The Blackbird
Corey DiMario, Shannon Heaton, Lissa Schneckenburger,
Matt Heaton, Becky Tracy & Keith Murphy

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These photos and videos were made with my Nikon S10 Camera, Photoshop CS3 and iMovie, iMac G5

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Last Updated: 03/09/2025 09:51:22 by Harriet Fell