The greatest advance in bicycle lighting was made with the intro- duction of the Sturmey-Archer Patent 6-volt Dynohub. Available for fitting in the front wheels, or combined in one hub shell with a three or four-speed gear in the rear wheel, it is designed to give a constant light while the bicycle is in motion. The Sturmey-Archer Dynohub is remarkable in that it is mechanically frictionless and completely trouble-free, there be- ing no additional bearings or moving parts.
The greatest advance in bicycle lighting was made with the introduction of the Sturmey-Archer Patent 6-volt Dynohub. Available for fitting in the front wheels, or combined in one hub shell with a three or fotir-speed gear in the rear wheel, it is designed to give a constant light while the bicycle is in motion. The Sturmey-Archer Dynohub is remarkable in that it is mechanically frictionless and completely trouble-free, there being no additional bearings or moving parts.
Brakes, too, have been developed by Sturmey-Archer. To ensure complete braking efficiency under all riding conditions, the internal expanding type was introduced. These can be fitted to front or rear wheels as a separate unit, or combined with the three-speed hub in one shell for fitting to the rear wheel.
This Jubilee year sees the re-introduction of a Tri-Coaster hub, (three-speed gear and coaster hub). This hub, the TCW, is the out come of a completely new design. Its simplicity and efficiency far surpasses that of its famous predecessor in the Sturmey-Archer range.
There is no doubt that the range of Sturmey-Archer gears, wide, medium and close ratios, fixed and free, three and four speeds, brake hubs, Dynohubs, and Dyno hubs combined with three- and four-speed gears, which has been developed by the Company over a period of fifty years, forms the world's finest equipment for "easy cycling day and night".
But Sturmey-Archer are not standing still; the search for perfection, the complete answer to every cyclist's need, goes on.
Remember! No cycle is complete without a Sturmey-Archer gear and Dynohub.