These are mountainbike/hybrid bars with built-in bar ends. They weigh less than the handlebars alone on the typical mountain bike or hybrid, and they give lots of hand positions.
The ends sweep forward in a nearly 180 degree curve, and the whole curved area is usable to vary the pressure points on your hands. These are much better than staight bars with bolt-on bar ends.
If you want to equip a hybrid or mtb for touring, this is a cheap and very effective upgrade, and works with the existing brake and shift levers...except: these do not work with un-modified twist-grip shifters: they won't fit around the bends. By a fairly simple modification ot the shifter, however they can be made to fit. See below..
Although you can use any normal mountain-bike handlebar grips on these bars, they provide a smoother transition between gripping areas if you tape them, as with drop-type "road" handlebars.
As with drop handlebars, my favorite covering is Cinelli cork tape. Unlike drop bars, I start taping from the center of the bars and work my way out to the ends.
I create a thicker area in the primary grip zone by laying two thicknesses of tape along the part of the bar that the hand rests on. I use one piece a bit longer than the other, and displace them slightly in the vertical direction. I also increase the thickness in this area by overlapping the tape very tightly along the straight section of the bar, gradually spreading out the winding so that there is very little overlap along the curved sections.
I lay a strip of old-style cloth handlebar tape along the outside of the bent area to provide better "traction" so that the cork tape won't slip out of position, here where it is spread thin.
I leave a section of the ends of the bars bare of tape, providing a good place to mount lighting equipment and other accessories.
Last Updated: by Harriet Fell