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Anders Junnila's Sea Journal, 1859-1869

(Part 1)

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Anders Junnila Olive Harris Brown
Anders Junnila, a.k.a. Andrew Brown Olive Harris Brown

The following document is the journal of the voyages of my great grandfather, Anders Johansson Junnila, later known as Andrew Brown. I believe the original was written in Swedish or Finnish; I worked from a photocopy of a longhand translation. I don't know who translated it. Some of the place names and ship names are a bit obscure, and the handwriting is not always completely legible. In addition, I am not sure how well the translator understood nautical terminology. I would appreciate any insight any readers could share with me in correcting any inaccuracies.

Anders Johansson Junilla was born February 18, 1843, in Kälviä, near Kokkola, Finland. He was the son of Johan Abramsson, born November 7, 1783, and Brita Johansdotter, born May 10, 1805.

Sheldon Brown

To part 2

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Princess boat [?] June 22, 1860-
Ulrika barque July 12, 1861-September 9, 1862
Allota guano vessel September 9 1862-January 13, 1864
Eliza Hands barque January 15-May 27, 1864
Solway Black Ball Line May 31-October 29, 1864
Princess Royal Black Ball ship, James Brown line[?] December 6, 1864-August 17, 1865
Brenda ship August 18, 1865-January 6, 1866
Universe Black Star Line January 23-May 11, 1866
Porseen English & North American mail boat May 18-30, 1866
Robert Leunkard (may be captain's name, not ship's) June 1-July 16, 1866
Rare ship July 21-August 25, 1866
Mount Royal ship August 31-September 21, 1866
Pacific Balts & Comp. steamer October 1-
Emperor of Glasgow barque October 29 1866-Janyary 10, 1867
Pageto (Pagueto?) de Mauli steamer February 2, 1867-May 19, 1868
Paketto de las Villas Chilean coaster? May 22-December 23, 1868
Maipo (Moipo?) steamer December 28, 1868-April 10, 1869
Golden City (as passenger) May 17-30, 1869
Pacific steamer June 3-15, 1869
Moses Taylor steamer June 15-

The Journal:

I, Anders Johanson Junnila will write my birthday and events of my life in this book. I was born

1843, Feb.18

1850, I began to work in a fishery as much as I could.

1857, Nov. 1, I moved from my father's home to P. Bjorkman in Gamla Karleby [Swedish name for Kokkola, on the west coast of Finland] and worked there until

1859, Nov. 1, Then I moved to A. Boehm in Gamla Karleby and remained there until

1860, June 8, Then I travelled with steamboat and came

June 12, to Christianstad [Sweden]

June 22 Sailed on the boat Princess from Christianstad.

Aug 24, I was in Portugal and Lisbon

Oct. 4, 1860 I was in England in Cowes

Oct. 29, 1860 Came to Christianstad again.

Jan. 1, 1861

July 12 1861. Signed up on Koroa Jo [?] Werdelin's bark ship Ulrika.

July 18, Raised anchor in Christianstad's harbor

July 29, Lost all my sails in

Aug. 3, Anchored in Copenhagen harbor.

Aug 27. Hauled into Syricanal's [?] dock in London.

Sept 21. Sailed from London.

Oct. 5, Anchored in Copenhagen.

Oct. 6, Raised anchor in Copenhagen

Oct. 9, Anchored in Christanstad's harbor

Oct. 11, Signed up on the ship Ulrika. Ulrika
Olle Haavisto photo of painting by Petrus Weyts
Oct. 29, 1861, I came on board the Ulrika in Christianstad.
Nov. 2, Raised anchor in Christianstad's harbor.
Nov. 12, Anchored in Copenhagen row.

Nov. 25 Anchored in Norway

Nov. 28, Raised anchor from Norway.

Dec. 16, Anchored in Downs Road.

Dec. 20 Raised anchor in Downs Road

Jan. 14, 1862. Passed Gibraltar.

Jan. 17, Anchored in Valencia, Spain.

Feb. 12, Left Valencia.

Feb. 17, Anchored in Alexandria, Turkey. [Egypt?]

Mar. 29, Raised anchor in Alexandria.

May 1, Passed Gibraltar.

May 11, Anchored in Yarmouth Road.

June 12, Raised anchor in Yarmouth Road.

June 18, Anchored in Helsingfors Road.

June 20. Raised anchor in Helsingfors road.

June 28, Anchroed in Christianstad Road

July 30, Signed up with the ship Ulrika

Aug. 1, I came on board

Aug. 2, Raised anchor in Christianstad Harbor

Sept. 9,
Received my discharge from the ship
in London, and signed up with Capt. Bergstrom[?] on the ship
lying Sunderland.
Sept. 20, Sailed from Sunderland

Oct. 1, Anchored in Gotenberg Canal

Nov. 19, Raised anchor in Gotenberg Roadstead

Nov. 23 & 24 Passed through English Channel course

Dec. 14 Sailed in a N.E. direction.

Dec. 26 Sailed in a S.E. direction steering with the wind on the larboard.

Dec. 28, Passed the Line [Equator]


Jan. 8, passed the sun [?] steered course S.E.

Jan. 18, Passed Cape of Good Hope, steered course S.E.

Jan. 18 course E.S.E.

Mar. 18 Anchored in Port Adelaide in Australia.

Mar. 22 Left Port Adelaide. Steered course S.S.E, S.E., E.S.E., E., E.N.E., N.E., N.N.E.

Mar. 27, Came into Melbourne.

May 10, Sunday. Pilot came on board in Melbourne. raised anchor and sailled.

May 11, Steered S.E. with light breeze all sails drawing.

May 12,
Coursed around the lighthouse "Kandgraph" and observed latitude 39 46'
May 13,
Coursed under the above lighthouse with brisk wind. Made fast all topgallant and small saills. Took down topsails. Cloudy sky and variable wind.
May 14,
Steered course N.E. with brisk W.S.W. wind. Clear sky and rain. Took in [...] reefs in main and fore saillls. Made fast main & fore sails and brought down mizzenluf [?] sails, let out and made fast the reefs [?] from small sails.
May 15,
Steered course N.E.with steady N.W. wind all sails drawing. Steered N.E. with S. wind. clear sky.
May 16,
Steered course N.E. with steady breeze, west wind, all sails drawing.
May 17,
Steered course N.E. by S.E. with fresh wind and rain and cloudy sky.
May 18,
Steered course N.E., E.1/2/E by S.E. brisk wind and rain. Leaden [?] thick sky. 12 o'clock at night, made fast topsail, hauled down stay sail. 2 o'clock a sudden storm arose with high waves. Hauled in jib sail which had broken/ Took in lower reef in all top sails and hauled in mizzen sails. Also shifted the other jib sails.
May 19,
Steered course E.N.E. with S.E. gently following wind with overcast sky and set out reefs of all 3 top sails, tightened top gallant sails. Shifted jib sails tightened all small saills.
May 20,
Steered course E.N. with S.S.E. wind, with hard wind and rain clouds. Made fast top gallant hauled down stay sails took 1 reef in main sail. Lat S 30 13' 25” Long E 117 30'
May 21,
Steered N.E. with S.E. brisk wind overcast sky broke four sails. Changed broken bow [?] sails.
May 22,
Steered course S.E. with E. fresh wind half clear sky. Put out reef from main and tightened all small sails.
May 24,
At 2 o'clock wind changed to N.W. steered course N.W.1/2 N.clear sky and steady breeze at 4 o'clock wind changed to S.E. Steered course E. 1/2 E [?]
May 25,
sailled under by island W. even breeze N. wind. Lat S 36 44' 40” long W. 179 32' 2”
May 25, Steered course E.N.E. also came in S.E. position [?]

May 30, Anchored Calao Roadstead

June 10, Sailed from Calao

June 12 Came to Chincha Islands and began to unload ballast and to load guano.

Oct. 17, Sailed from Chincha Islands

Oct. 18 Anchored in Callao Roadway and unloaded guano.

January 13, 1864 Discharged from ship Allota in Callao

Jan. 15,
Began to work on the English Bark
Eliza Hands
of Liverpool Captain Lamb.
Feb. 13
Sailed from Callao at 8 o'clock passed the lighthouse St. Lawrence in S.E. Steered course S.S.E. under larboard
Mar. 5
Latitude S 38, long. W. 90 Westerly cold wind with rain clouds. Set course S.E.
Mar. 13, Lat S.49 long W.80 set course E.

Mar. 14, Passed Cape Horn set course N.E. lat S. 51 40' long 70

Mar. 15, Sighted ---------- reef set course N.N.E.

April 1
Lat S. 28 long .W 30 came in in S.E. position [?] Steered course N.E. by E.
April 14 Lat S. 6 long. W 25

April 20 Crossed the line with varying weather and rain and calm, Long W. 20.

April 23
Lat N. 4 sailed in N.E. direction steered course N.N.W. with brisk N.E. wind
April 28 Lat N. 18, long W. 38

April 30
Varied to N.E. position. Lat. 22 N., long 40 W. Steered course N.E.
May 10
Passed Western Island with brisk W. wind Lat 47 N., long 40 W. Steered course E. by N.
May 20 Passed Cape Char lat 50 N. long------W. Steered course E.N.E. in sight of land.

May 21, Passed lighthouse--------------on larboard side Steered N.E. by E.

May 22
At 1 o'clock passed------------lighthouse on starboard side 6 a.m. passed Holyhead 12 o'clock took steamboat and at 8 o'clock anchored in Liverpool river.
May 23
Hauled in to Albert's Dock and went ashore leaving the ship and was discharged May 27.
May 31
Signed on the English ship
of the Black Ball Line Liverpool Capt Maxwell at 32 per month.
June 4 Had orders to go on board.

June 7,
Began to work on board the ship Solway The same day hauled out from Colux [?] Dock and anchored in stream.
June 11, Left the steamboat, set sail and sailed S at course from S.W.

June 24, Passed Madeira

July 1 Lat N. 20 Steered course from S.W. to W.

July 17, Passed the Line 32 W. Steered course S.S.W. with S. E. wind.

August 3 Lat. 30 S Steered course E.S.E. with double reefed top sail.

August 7
Made fast fast [?] the fore and top sails also laid by with hard northerly storm.
August 8 Put out the top and top gallant sails and sailed, sailed course E.S.E.

August 12, Passed Tristan de Cunha Islands lat 39 S. Long. W. Steered course S.E. to E.

August 21
Passed Cape Good Hope Lat 43 S., long. 18. Steered course S.E. to E. uneven West wind with cold and rain clouds. Lat 27 40', long. 48 E.2 set course E. to S.
July 1, Steered course from S. to N.E. to N. with south E. wind.

July 7, Steered course N.N.e.

July 17 Crossed the Line long 84 E. Steered course N.

July 27 Passed a pilot brig and a pilot came on board. also took steam tug.

July 27 Anchored in Calcutta Latt 22 W., long. 88 E.

October 5
At 12 there blew up the worst hurricane that had ever been seen in Calcutta. It shifted from N.E. to S.E. with terrible wind and rain. At two o'clock it began to break the ships from their moorings and before five about 190 ships were driven ashoore. some of which lay anchored in the stream and some tied to moorings most of which were broken in pieces and driven giive miles up the stream in barren sand. Among these 190 the greates number were steel ships and steam shipsl Over 200 europeans were killed of which some were killed by falling spars and masts and some were drowned and many hundred Indians besides.

Outside [?] the bar the ship Mauritius was lost with 1000 English soldiers of which only a few were saved. The mail boat from Cape Good Hope was lost with a crowd European women and other foreigners. The pilot brigs were lost with pilots and crew and a great many other boats which were outside the bar. Many house towers and trees were blown down on shore. The sixth day of the hurricane it was terrible which ever way one lookes one saw ships with sunken hulls and tops and were blown up all the day and broken to pieces. Some 10 or 20 were driven together on the sand banks and rocky cliffs of which one had broken the other. One could see nothing but broken ships which ran [?] away and beached. After a few days one could see the river full of floating dead mens bodies, white as well as black.

We were driven upon a Jassebared [?] Sand together with 10 large ships which had broken spars and masts and other [?] upon sailors of the ships. When masts and spars began to come down from the sky, some of the crew rand down into the forecastle and some on board other ships to save their lives. But I with some others happened to think that the ship might roll over in which case we would be totally lost if we were in the rooms. because the ship would fill with water. We knew that our ship was well built so that it should stand the strain as long as the other ships as it eventually did. So we kept to our own ships deck and ran between fore and aft to escape the falling masts and spars. When the storm was over our deck was full of broken masts and spars most of which had fallen from other ships.

October 7
the insurance agents came on board and ordered us to throw the sald overboard in order to try to get the ship free from the sand which happened to be successful.
October 25 The ship was sold for 22600 Rupees.

October 26 We left the ship and went ashore in Calcutta.

October 29 Received discharge.

October 30
We journeyed to 7 towns [?] where I saw the terrible rhinoceros which was something like a cowe [?] but larger. The most tereible animal which there is and which lives in the water as well as on land. I also saw the animal called the porcupine which is something like a rabbit but the back part was covered with long spines of brown and black striped color. I also saw the animal kangaroo something like a rat but as large as a cat and also which looked like a cat of gray color and about 4 ft high and 6 ft long. with long jointed tail. I also saw a beautiful deer much like our Lapland reindeer but darker brown in color.

I also a tame fish something like an eel about 2 ft with stubby head and tail which ate from our hands like a tame animal. Seven tanks [?] connected of seven stone set docks connected by sluices and canals 2 fathoms deep of clear water which flowed down from the upland to the sea. In there tame fish were found. There were beautiful trees and green lawns and rice fields every where. Small boys ran along side of the wagons and called hip-hip hooray and thought that they entertained the seamen which they actually did. and therefore they begged for money. If one refused them the money they showed their anger and said
If one the then threw money [?] in the water the small brownish black naked boys dived agter it like fish and tried to see which one could catch the money.

December 6 1864
Signed up with the frigate ship
Princess Royal
for £ 2 and 10 a Black Ball ship of James Brown Line with Captain Wadsen [?]
December 8 Went on board and began work Calcutta 1864 Anders Junnilla.

December 30 Hauled out from the moorings and took tug boat.

January 3,
1865 Left the tugboat outside the bar by the pilot ship and set sail. Steered course S.S.W with N.E. wind.
January 11 Sailed in sight of land Ceylon [Sri Lanka] steered course S.S.W. to W.

January 12 Coursed under sight of Point of [illegible] with N.W. wind

January 14
Sailed in sight of land. Steered course N.W. to N with N.E. wind following. Steered course N.W. to N. in sight of land on starboard. Every day we had land wind and every night we had sea wind.
January 25
Pilots came on board and we anchored in Bombay Road with two anchors Latt. 18 N. long. 73 50' E.
January 26 Contracted a fever and lay sick on board til the 9 th [illegible]

April 17
Went ashore up to the city of Bombay where I saw the Hindus burial place. The corpse in the burial ceremony was decorated with gilt [illegible] and flowere which was sunk in the water and taken out. After this is was laid upon a pile of wood on the fround agrer which the corpse was carried 4 1/2 times around the ceremonial place and afterh that set upon the wood pile. Over the corpse were laid about two feet of wood after which a torch was carried around the corpse 4 1/2 times after which it was laid under the head of the corpse. When it began to burn there was music of drums and fifes. When the corpse was burned the ashes were gathered and thrown in the water.
April 28 We took 6400 bales of cotton on boardl

April 29 Took pilots of board hauled up the anchor set sail and sailed course S.

May 6 Crossed to Siam

May 11 Crossed the Line Latt. 74 E.

May 16, Steered S.W. Course with brisk S. wind.

May 23 Steered course S.W.W. with brisk S.W. wind

June 1, W 1/2 S w S. breeze lat. 30 S. long. 50 E.

June 5 Steered course W. to N. with E. breeze with latt 32 S., long. 40 E.

July 8 Steered course W.N.W. latt 35 S. long. 35 E.

June 11 Passed Cape Good Hope Lat 35 S., long. 15 E.

June 15 N. to W. 1/2 W. with steady S.E. wind.

June 20, Steered course N. 1/2 W.

June 24,
Passed St. Helena Island long. 2 W lat 15 55' S. in sight of the city and Napoleon's burial place and the place where he lived. Steered course N.N.W.
June 30 Passed the island long 2 30' latt. 10 S.

July 3 Crossed the Line long. 3 W. with steady S.S.E. wind.

July 4 Steered course N. with rain.

July 12. Steered course N.N.W long. 4 W 10 N.

July 21 E. to N. with S.W. wind long. 23 W., lat 36 S. Steered course N.E.

August 1. Long. 30 W lat. 49 S. Steered course E.S.E.

August 7
Passed Cape Clear in sight of land on larboard. Long. 9 15' W., lat 51 2' 5” S
Steered course E. to N.
August 8 Passed Cork [?] light house. Steered course E. to S.

August 9 Porond [?]

August 10
Passed Holyhead took pilots on board anchored at 2 o'clock in Liverpool stream at 12 o'clock at night drew in at dock.
August 11 Left the ship and went to Liverpool Sailors house

August 17 Received discharge from the ship Princess Royal.

August 18
Signed up with the ship
for 3 pounds 15 shillings a month.
August 21 Began working on board.

August 23 Sailed from Liverpool.

August 30 Passed Cape Clair, steered course W.N.W.

October [September?] 5 anchored in Boston Bay and hauled into Constitution Wharf.

October 24 Sailed from Boston.

October 30 Anchored in St. John's Bay New Brunswick and hauled into wharf.

November 24 Sailed from St. John's New Brunswick E.S.E.

November 27 Steered course E. to S.

December 25
Christmas day 4 o'clock in the afternoon Lat. 57 N. Longitude 10 W. with a strong wind storm the ship began to leak. Spars and deck cargo broke loose and drifted. The captain took the helm and all men began to heave the cargo overboard, and pump. The storm increased greatly at nine o'clock. A large wave swept over the captain, broke the tiller rope and hurt the captain.
December 25
The storm gave up, two men were badly hurt by planks and spars which worked their way over the deck.
December 31
Lat. 9 W, Longitude 60 30' N. At 7 o'clock set full top sail and large main sail and jub sails, with a west wind. At 8 o'clocka sudden storm came from N.W. At half past eight it broke the mizzen-top-mast overboard. the spring [?] the large and top gallant mast. The boat tilted after that and was badly swept over the sea. About twelve o'clock the storm gave up a little. All men began to clear away the broken sails and spars. The following night the boat lay and drifted under the masts.
January 1, 1866
Cleared the rigging, both mizzen top sail and jib sails. Steered course S.E. to S. for Larwick with west wind.
January 2,
At two o'clock got sight of the island told [?], but made a mistake and thought it was a ship. So at 8 o'clock found out our mistake, but were between a high cliffs and islands. There was no way to turn back and we were therefore forced to steer in between the islands and cliffs were toward the S.E. Anchors were made clear and life boats mead in readyness. At one o'clock we anchored in St. Magnus Bay in 40 fathoms water.

At two o'clock took pilots on board set top sails. At 5 o'clock anchored in Bostavo harbor. All men were saved and in good health.

January 6, 1866. Left the ship and tramped over mountains and through marshes.

January 7, Came to Larwick and were paid off.

January 16 Sailed from Larwick as passengers on a steam boat to Granton.

January 17 Anchored in Korkwall harbor, and sailed off again.

January 18,
Anchored in Granton and left the steam boat, travelled by rail to Lis and back again to Granton, and from there to Edinburgh, and from Edinburg to Liverpool by rail and left Liverpool the 19 th of January 1866.

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March 9, 2013, Mark Fisher noted the following:

Updated by Sheldon Brown Sunday, May 7, 2000

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Last Updated: 03/26/2025 07:25:00 by Harriet Fell