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Anders Junnila's Sea Journal, 1859-1869

(Part 2)

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January 23 1866.
Signed up with packet ship Universe of New York, Black Star Line.
January 27 Was ordered on board.

January 29 Began working on board

January 31 Sailed from Liverpool, steered course west.

March 22 Took pilots on board outside of Sandy Hook Steered course N.W.

March 23 Anchored in New York Harbor and hauled into wharf # 37.

April 7. Hauled out of the wharf and anchored in th river.

April 9, Lifted anchor and sailed steered course East.

May 10 Anchored in Liverpool

May 11
Hauled into Bromleymore [sp?] dock, and left the ship and went in land. Lived N 8 Hagaj St. Mr Cooper, Liverpool.
May 18 1866
Signed up with English and North American mail boat, Porseen [sp?], and began to work on board.
May 19, sailed from Liverpool

May 27 Anchored in New York.

May 30
Hauled into the wharf, and deserted the ship, and travelled by steam boat and rail to Boston.
June 1, Signed up with Robert Leunkard [?]

June 6 Sailed from Boston to Gloucester.

June 7. Sailed from Gloucester. Steered course E.N.E.

June 17 Passed St. Pauls, Steered course N. to W.

June 30 Anchored in Qu&ecute;bec and was through with the ship.

July 2. Began to work on board for daily wages.

July 16 Left the ship

July 17 Traveled by steam boat to Merrimack [?]

July 20 Came to Merrimack [?]

July 21
Signed up with the ship Rare [?] Raymond, captain Raymond.
July 27 Sailed from Merrimack steered course E.S.E.

August 7 Passed banks of New Foundland. Steered course E.S.E.

August 18 Anchored in Cardiff row.

August 19 Shifted to King's row

August 24 Hauled into the dock.

Autust 25 Was discharged

August 26 Traveled by rail to Liverpool, and came to Liverpool the 31st.

August 31 Singed up with the ship Mount Royal.

September 3 Wend on board and began to work.

September 4 Sailed from Liverpool

September 10 Lost all the sails and the ship began to leak.

September 12 Returned to Queenstown. [Cobh]

September 15 Anchored in Queenstown harbor.

September 17 Quit working.

September 19 Went before the magistrate of Queenstown.

September 21 Was discharged, and travelled to Liverpool and arrived there the 22nd.

October 1
Signed up with the English steam boat Pacific Balts [?] & Comp. Liverpool.
October 3 Began to work on board.

October 4 Sailed from Liverpool.

October 11 Passed the Western Islands

October 15 Returned short of coal.

October 19 Came to Fayal Western Islands

October 26 Sailed from Fayal.

October 29 Began to sail the bark ship Emperor of Glasgow.

November 8 Passed the coast of Holland. [?}

November 10 Passed West Key [Key West?]

November 13 Came to New Orleans.

December 9 Sailed from New Orleans

December 12 Came to Havana

December 14 Sailed from Havana

December 19
Had a bad storm so that when the waves dashed over, my nose was hurt and three others of the crew were hurt.
January 8, 1867 Came to Liverpool

January 10 Hauled into Nelson dock and left the ship.

January 14 Received my pay.

February 2, 1867. Signed up with the steamboat "Pageto de Mauli" [?]

February 4 Began to work on board.

February 9 Sailed from Liverpool.

February 10 Went into Holihead because of storm.

February 11 Sailed from Holihead.

February 13 Went into Queenstown.

February 13 Sailed from Queenstown

February 21 Went in to Madeira for coal.

February 23 Sailed from Madeira.

March 1 Went into St. Vincent for coal.

March 4 Sailed from St. Vincent.

March 11 Passed the Line.

March 29 Went into Montivideo [Uruguay]

April 1 Sailed from Montivideo.

April 10 Anchored in the straits of Magellan.

April 11 Sailed away, and anchored at Sandy Point.

April 13 Sailed away and left the Straits of Magellan.

April 14 Went into Smith's Channel.

April 19 Left Smith's Channel.

April 23 Went into St Charles on the coast of Chile

April 24 Sailed away.

April 27 Went into Lota [?] and sailed away.

April 29 Came to Valparaiso.

May 5 Began to make trips between Valparaiso and Mouli [?] off the coast of Chile, besides other places on the coast.

June 30 Was discharged from Pageto de Mauli.

July 1 Signed up again with Pageto de Mauli, and began to work on board.

January 31, 1868 Was discharged again.

February 1
Signed up again on board Pagueto de Mauli and began to work on board.
May 19, 1868
Was discharged from Pagueto de Mauli, and went into Valparaiso.
May 22, 1868
Signed up on board Paketto de las Villas, and began to sail between Valparaiso, Las Bilas, Gangoi [?], Coquembro [?], Huares [?], Couizal [?] and Caldera.
Aug 20 Lay sick with fever on board.

August 25 Went into Valparaiso and lay sick till November 10.

November 11
Signed up with Paketto de Las Villas again.
December 23
Was discharged from Paketto de Las Villas and went into land at Valparaiso.
December 28, 1868
Signed up with S.S.Moipo [?] and began to trade between Los Vilos, Tongoy, Coquimbo, Huasco, Carrizal and Caldera.
April 10, 1869 Went into land from the ship Maipo into Valparaiso

May 17
Went as passenger on the steam boat Golden City from Panama to San Francisco California.
May 22 Came to Acapulco Mexico, Lon W.99.46, Lat N 16.46 and sailed away.

May 30 Came to San Francisco, Cal.

June 3 1869
Signed up on board the steam boat Pacific, under the name of Andrew Brown, and began to work for $35 per month.
June 15
Moved to the steam boat Moses Taylor, and traded between San Francisco, Portland and Victoria, British Columbia.
July 12, 1869
Made a declaration of intention of citizenship to United States of America, before the district fourt of the 12 judicial district of the state of California in and for the city and county of San Francisco N223
Andrew Brown

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The documents below were scanned from photocopies. For more detail, click on image, to see a 200k jpeg.

Discharge certificate Discharge certificate

George Brown, Yakima, 1909

A photograph by Anders Junilla of his grandson, George Matson Brown December 25, 1909, Yakima Washington.

Photos of Anders Junilla/Andrew Brown from his son Sheldon Brown's Photo Album

Mr Ilkka Junnila, of Turku, Finland informed me:

Anders mentioned two persons in Kokkola. The first was styrmannen (mate) Petter Björkman, born 1.8.1787; so he was an old man and probably retired, when Anders was there; but Björkman had a very much younger wife. The second was handlanden (merchant) Alexander Gottfried Boehm, born 2.3.1802. Both of these persons belonged to the 'high society' - especially Mr Boehm - that time in Kokkola.

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Thanks to Ilkka Junnila and his sonTeemu Junnila (no relation to my great grandfather) and Chris Hutt for their kind assistance.

Updated by Sheldon Brown Sunday, May 7, 2000


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