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Somebody doesn't want you to know this number: 09-f9-11-02-9d-74-e3-5b-d8-41-56-c5-63-56-88-c0
Film: (DVD) Children of Men Alfonso Cuarón, 2007
Dystopian Sci-fi that makes Blade Runner look cheery by comparison. It's 2027, 18 years after the entire human race became sterile. The world is gradually falling to pieces as the survivors live out their hopeless lives in what's left of England. England is the last place to maintain any semblance of civilization, but it's a very scary place too. Quite well done, if you like this sort of thing.
Had a nice ride on the Greenspeed trike. I put new "Scorcher" tires on it in place of the Primo Comets it came with, running them at 55 psi. 5.19 miles along the Charles River, average 6.3 mph, which is a higher average speed than I've had for any ride this year. That included a couple of stops to make friends with dogs. Got to pet a gorgeous 4 month old husky puppy, amazingly soft fur. Also met a golden retriever named Maggie, who turns out to be a friend of Tasha.It's really strange, riding the trike along the bike paths, and looking forward to meeting dogs! Sitting down at their level, and being able to stop with no inconvenience makes it easy to make friends with them.
Book: Stranger in a Strange Land Robert A. Heinlein, 1961
Being a huge Heinlein fan, I had already read this 4 or 5 times, most recently in 1988 when I read it in French translation. It is one of my favorites, though not my actual favorite Heinlein...that would probably be Citizen of the Galaxy, or maybe Double Star.When Heinlein originally submitted this for publication, the publisher felt it was too long, and insisted that it be cut down from 220,000 words to 160,000. The uncut edition appeared in 1991, this is the first time I've read it. I can't say that I noticed anything that was missing in the shorter editions.
The book is somewhat dated nowadays, both technically and culturally. In particular the casual sexism and homophobia that were normal in 1961 are rather jarring to a 21st century reader.
I liked the first half of it rather better than the second half. Most of the action occurs in the first half, and the second half is mainly taken up with philosophical musings and lecturing. This was a very influential book back in the '60s, but doesn't wear as well as some of Heinlein's other stuff.
Concert: Boston Symphony Orchestra Shostakovich: Violin Concerto #1, Beethoven: Symphony #3 "Eroica."
Bummed out by Ségolène Royal's defeat in the French presidential race, I was really rooting for her.New audio recording Meet You There Oysterband
When I first downloaded this from iTunes and loaded it up into my iPod, I only had time to listen to the first song, which was a knockout. I was a bit disappointed later that none of the other songs were quite up to that standard. They're mostly quite good, and no doubt they'll grow on me with repeated hearing...
Film: (DVD) Casino Royale Martin Campbell, 2006
Back in the day, I was a big fan of Ian Fleming's James Bond novels, read them all in the early '60s.Never much cared for any of the film versions. This one is maybe the best of them, though the story is pretty much unrecognizable. Daniel Craig is the best Bond of the ones I've seen. (Never saw any of the Roger Moore versions, never could stand him after The Saint.)
I really can't figure why they moved the location from Monte Carlo to Croatia...nothing "royale" about ex-communist Croatia!
Film: (DVD) Guess Who Kevin Rodney Sullivan, 2005
A remake of Guess Who's Coming To Dinner with the races reversed...the bride and her racist father are black, the potential groom is white.So-so comedy, not great.
eBook: Anti-Grav Unlimited Duncan Long, 1988
Lightweight science fiction for those who don't mind perpetual motion machines and general disregard for the laws of physics.This book was startlingly poorly proofread, full of the sorts of spelling errors that spell-checkers do not catch. Not sure if that's from the dead tree version, or an artifact of OCR conversion for the eBook format.
Operetta: Princess Ida M.I.T. Gilbert & Sullivan Players
This is far from my favorite G & S, though it does have several good numbers in it. This was a much better production than the one I was in seven years ago.Rosie Osser as Lady Psyche and Robert Morrison as Scynthius were particularly hilarious, both of them delightfully over the top.
Film: (DVD) Babel Alejandro González Iñárritu, 2006
Characters unwittingly interacting from Morocco, Japan and California/Mexico, causing one another endless trouble and heartache.Moral: Don't allow children unsupervised access to firearms!
Film: (DVD) Flags of Our Fathers Clint Eastwood, 2006
A pretty good war movie, U.S. Marines at Iwo Jima and the taking of the famous Rosenthal photograph. Also deals with the aftermath for Ira Hayes and the others who were singled out as being subjects of the photo.I'm afraid Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan has set the bar of this genre too high.
Here I am ready for a ride on my Greenspeed trike.
eBook: The Speed of Dark Elizabeth Moon, 1988
I've been a fan of Moon's science fiction for a while, and believe I had read everything she has published, except for this. I was somewhat put off from this by learning that it was not really science fiction, and was primarily about autism, a topic that isn't of great interest to me.Harriet has been taking a class in autism at M.I.T. and this was on the reading list, so she bought it and gave me a copy. Wow! This is an absolute masterpiece! Moon is the mother of an autistic teenager (probably older now) and has an amazing ability to bring us into the mind of the book's autistic protagonist. This is a fascinating book, and very well written. Very highly recommended, even if you don't think autism is interesting...
Film: (DVD) P.S. Dylan Kidd, 2004
Laura Linney plays a 39 year old admissions officer at Columbia, who falls for an applicant half her age, who resembles her long-dead high school flame. Seems pretty romantic when it's an older woman and a younger man, but reverse the sexes and it would be a very different story.
M.I.T. Chantey Sing
Harriet and I went early, Tova joined us later. About 25 people showed up at the M.I.T. sailing pavilion. A good time was had by all.I led Passant par Paris, The Sloop John B, The Ballad of Harbo and Samuelsen, The Old Moke's Pickin On a Banjo, The Wreck of the Athens Queen, and The Noah's Ark Chantey.
eBook: Encounter in Atlanta Ed Howdershelt, 2003
This was a freebie I downloade quite a while ago, finally got around to reading. Mildly entertaining bit of cartoonish sci-fi fan fiction.
Finally got rid of the old Knabe grand piano. I had put it on Craig's list a couple of times, first asking a grand, then $500. Finally sold it on eBay for $202 to a nice lady from New Hampshire who plans to have it restored.We replaced it with a rather nice Yamaha keyboard over a year ago, and it was just taking up space here.
Getting it picked up by the movers she hired was a bit of an adventure. They were supposed to come last Monday, called and cancelled due to equipment problems, and the same thing happened last Wednesday. This time they made it.
They had to disassemble the railing on the back steps to get it out. Then I gave one of them my car keys so he could move the Pontiac out of the driveway, for easier truck access...and he managed to bust the key off in the ignition!
Fortunately, the car was still drivable, so I went over to Sherman Lock in Waltham, my favorite locksmith, and they were able to extract the key, only charged ten bucks!
Took the Greenspeed for a 12 mile ride on the Charles River bike path down as far as the Eliot Bridge. They have just finished re-paving the sections that were in the worst shape, and it was much more pleasant than it has been in a long time. It's a shame that the M.D.C. didn't do a proper paving job in the first place.
Sometimes it seems as if the word "bicycle" causes civil engineers to develop amnesia, forgetting everything they studied about road design/construction. These paths always had inadequate foundations and lousy drainage. Let's hope they did a better job this time around.
TV: (DVD) Over There Stephen Bochco, 2005
I ran across this 4 DVD set at the library. It follows a platoon of U.S. soldiers in Iraq. It's about as depressing as you might expect, but being a Stephen Bochco production, it is quite well done (except for the annoyingly sappy theme song.) I only had it for a week, didn't have time to watch the last 4 of the 13 episodes.
Actually got on a bike for the first time since last September! I took the Raleigh Twenty for a ride down Linwood Avenue as far as Woodrow Street, about a mile, round trip. Starting and stopping is very scary, but I'm going to try some more and see if I can get it to work for me. I really miss bicycling.I carried my collapsible cane in a modified water bottle. The cane made it a lot easier to straddle the bike. To do so, I need to lean the bike way over, to be able to get my leg over the saddle. Turns out the step-through design of the Twenty doesn't give me a low enough step over to be of use.
For getting off the bike, I lay it flat on the ground, again using the cane to balance as I step over it.
At the halfway point I tried lowering the saddle a couple of inches. I'm not sure if that helps with starting/stopping or not, though it does make it easier to swing my leg over so I can straddle the bike.
Aside from starting/stopping, it felt really good to be on two wheels again!
Unfortunately, starting and stopping was really scary with even very light traffic. I think I'll stick to the trike for a while longer, try to build up more strength in my legs before trying two wheels again.
Film: (DVD) Brief Encounter David Lean, 1946
Based on a play by Noel Coward (who also produced the film) this is the story of two middle class English people tempted to adultery as they meet every Thursday in a railway station. Not a very good film despite the credits, with one-note performances from all concerned.
Film: (DVD) Paper Moon Peter Bogdanovich, 1973
A charming tale set in Kansas in the 1930s. Ryan O'Neil as a small-time con artist, winds up in charge of a 9-year-old orphan girl (played by his daughter Tatum) who may or may not be his illegitimate daughter. Good fun.
China and India Moon Shots
Delighted to learn that both China and India are working on Lunar exploration programs. Nothing manned scheduled yet, but both of these countries are working on robotic Lunar probes.It has been too long since the U.S. gave up on this vital program, I'm very glad that somebody is picking up the torch! Space exploration remains the only hope for long-term survival of the species.
The three photos below are by my friend Arthur Ferguson. (You can see him at the far right of the photo above.)The one on the right shows how I made the photo above, with my Kodak V570 mounted onto the handle of my collapsible cane.
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A couple of old friends are retiring and moving onto their 41 foot sloop. They had a retirement party aboard her. Looks like a grand adventure in store for them as they head out past Provincetown and turn right...I'm so jealous!Here's a panorama made in my Kodak V570
TV: Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip
I was really bummed when NBC cancelled this show. I watched The Black Donnellys, which they stuck in its time slot for a while, then just when I was getting into that they replaced it with some dumb "reality" show or other.They evidently had a few Studio 60s left in the can, they're running them as summer replacements. I'm enjoying these while they last. Aaron Sorkin is just SO good! What a shame that they didn't give this show more of a chance. It's not The West Wing" but it's better than 98% of the rest of what's on the tube.
Saw my primary-care doc for a somewhat overdue checkup. Aside from the MS or whateverthehell it is , I'm evidently doing fine, though I won't know for sure 'til the blood work results come back.Film: (DVD) Apocalypto Mel Gibson, 2006
I've been fascinated with Mayan civilization ever since I honeymooned in Isla Mujeres and the Yucatan in 1980. I never expected to see such a plausible re-creation of Mayan life and society as this amazing film. The plot is pretty basic, but the sets and costumes are just fabulous. The acting is quite good as well, and so is the direction and cinematography.There's lots of violence, unfortunately, but that's the way it was. This is a very fine film, highly recommended!
The only false not I spotted was the terrain. You often see beautiful mountain vistas, and there's a mighty rushing river that has to be crossed at one point, and a tall waterfall that also plays a major part. In reality, the Yucatan is as flat as Florida, and has no open rivers, just underground aquifers.
Film: (DVD) Transamerica Duncan Tucker, 2005
A tour de force for Felicity Huffman as a pre-op male-to-female transsexual, meeting the 17 year old son who resulted from her only sexual encounter. They get to know one another while driving across the country and sharing various hardships and adventures. Quite a good film, and a great perfomance by Huffman.
Took another fall today, this one while going down stairs at home. My right foot went out too far and missed the step it was aiming for. I landed on my (fortunately well-padded) rump and bumped down several steps to the bottom. No harm done except sore fingers on my right hand where I tried to hold myself by the chinning bar but didn't have a good enough grip. It was more scary than anything else, and fortunately I was more than halfway down the stairs when I fell.I've long had a bit of a premonition of falling down those stairs from the second floor, where I need to pass by a fairly narrow area exiting my bedroom and crossing to the open library area where my iMac lives...
My first appointment with Neurologist #4
I discovered that Clementine can be sung to the tune of Deutschland Über Alles. Just what the world has been waiting for.Tova is going out to Santa Cruz for the summer, so she gave me an early Father's Day treat taking Harriet and me out to a film and dinner.
Film: Paris Je T'Aime
This is a charming collection of short films set in various different arrondissements of Paris. I particularly liked the first one, set in Montmartre, and the Coen brothers' entry set in the Métro.After the film we went to dinner at the Taqueria Mexico, got to sit outside by the sidewalk on a beautiful evening.
Concert: The Boston Pops Carousel
As Boston Symphony Orchestra subscribers, we received an invitation to a "closed rehearsal" of the Pops. They were doing a concert performance of Carousel. Although we're B.S.O. regulars, this was the first time for a Pops concert at Symphony Hall for us. Strange to hear live music at 10:30 in the morning, and strange to see Symphony Hall with tables on the floor and multi-colored lights going on and off.It was also the first time I've seen Carousel live, though I've seen the film version several times. It's got some great songs, but not such a great story.
Film: (DVD) Laurel Canyon Lisa Cholodenko, 2002
A couple of engaged recent graduates of Harvard Medical School move out to California and stay with the guy's mother, a record producer and old hippie, played wonderfully by Frances McDormand. Each is nearly seduced by the California lifestyle...I had seen this several years earlier, liked it OK, then only later did I learn that the mother is based on Joni Mitchell. As a huge Joni Mitchell fan (I used to have a wicked crush on her) I had to see it again. Pretty good film.
Proud to live in Massachusetts
The Great and General Court (state legislature) has shot down an attempt to deprive gays the right to marry. I'm a very strong believer in marriage, and I'm very glad that the bigots who oppose making it available to all single adults have been defeated!
+---------------------------------------------------+ | If you oppose making marriage legally available | | to all adults, you are promoting promiscuity. | +---------------------------------------------------+39 years since my last cigarette! I quit in 1968 by applying pure logic to the situation:While there's much about the addiction process that is obscure, one thing that is known for sure is that quitting smoking is harder the longer you have been a smoker.
Looking into the future, I really couldn't see myself still smoking in 1978, so I knew I would be quitting sometime.
Given the above conditions, it will be easier to quit today (June 14, 1968) than tomorrow. I took the easy way out. ;-)
Film: (DVD) Olympus WS-331M Recorder
Picked this up at Best Buy, amazingly tiny recorder with 4 gb of storage, built in stereo mikes. I also ordered a ME51S plug in mike from Amazon.com.
Installed a granny gear on the Greenspeed. It had been using a 52/38 double on the 160 mm SunTour Cyclone crank, but sometimes I really needed a lower gear, so I got a 40 tooth Willow Triplizer which allowed me to install a 28 tooth Biopace granny ring I had hanging around.Took it for a ride up and over Otis Street, West Newton Hill. Reeeeeealy slow, but I made it. Probably about one mph, but I can't see my cyclometer while riding so I'm not sure.
Band of Voices
Harriet and I drove out to Barre, Mass. for the Band of Voices 10th anniversary concert. Hit some nasty traffic, so we only made it for the second half, but it was nice to hear, and very nice to get to see Nym Cooke, my favorite choral conductor again.
Summer Revels
Went over to Museum Wharf for the Summer Revels, a somewhat reduced production this year, but still fun and good to see a lot of old friends.
Harriet made reservations for a cottage in Truro, for the week of August 18. Both kids will be back east, so this will be the first family vacation we've taken together for a while.
I worked green room security for The Summer RevelseBook: 1634: The Bavarian Crisis Eric Flint and Virginia DeMarce, 2007
The latest in Eric Flint's 1632 series. Tough to keep track of all of the characters and the complicated politics, but still quite enjoyable.Film: (DVD) The Guardian Andrew Davis, 2006
This film is about Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers, who have big brass ones. The beginning and end of this film have very exciting helicopter rescue scenes, great special effects.Unfortunately the loooong middle section of the film is solid cliché. Every clishé from the training sections of every war movie ever made is present, except that there's no harmonica-playing Italian kid from Brooklyn.
Surprising errors in the dialogue: one of the characters refers to a "door" on shipboard instead of a "hatch" and another refers to dropping the baske on the "right rear" of a sinking vessel...
Tried riding a bicycle today, my Thorn Raven . I rigged up a water bottle to hold my folding cane, figuring the cane would help me get on and off the bike.Getting my right leg over the saddle was kinda tricky, and I did fall to the left while doing so, even though the bike was tilted way over. Fortunately, I was standing right next to my van, so instead of falling to the ground, I just leaned against the side of the van.
I've always been in the habit of starting by putting my left foot on the pedal while my right foot was on the ground. However, my right foot is a bit clumsier than my left these days, so I tried doing it the other way 'round. Felt really strange, and it took quite a few tries before I managed to get my left foot clipped in.
I managed to ride about 1/5 of a mile, but the light was red at Albemarle St, so I stopped, and was too scared to get started up again. Getting off the bike was quite an adventure...I used the cane and laid the bike flat on the road but I hadn't placed my feet far enough apart to quite clear the frame. I very nearly fell down on top of the bike before I managed to get my right foot across...it was getting hung up under the chainwheel.
I walked home and went for a ride on the Greenspeed instead.
Focus Group
Netflix had me and a bunch of other folks out to an office in Framingham for a focus group on a new secret plan (that everybody knows about.) I gave my opinon about color, pricing, and features, and in return, I'm to get 6 months of Netflix service for no charge.
This was a tough day emotionally for me.Well, I sold the Picchio tandem last week, got the check yesterday. Today I brought it over to Wheelworks to get packed and shipped (we didn't have any tandem boxes on hand.) It really hurt to let it go, I broke down in tears twice this morning over it...not just the very cool bike, but the great memories attached to it, and what it means for my future...
Bought a wheelchair from a guy in Marshfield (Craig's List.) It's a pretty fancy one, a Quickie 2, in almost new condition. Came from an estate sale, I got it very cheap.
I don't really need it yet, but the upper body exercise is probably good for me.
Film: (DVD) Letters from Iwo Jima Clint Eastwood, 2007
Eastwood sure has come a long way from those horrible Spaghetti Westerns he made his name with!This is a companion film to Flags of Our Fathers, this time from the Japanese perspective. It's a much better film, very powerful.
In Flags of Our Fathers, we all know it will end in victory for the Good Guys.
With Letters from Iwo Jima, we, and all of the characters, know all along that they will be dying on that rock, will never see their homes and love ones again.
Nashua River Rail Trail
I drove out to Ayer again to ride the rail trail on my Greenspeed. This time I rode the entire length of it, 25.41 miles round trip, my longest ride this year. Average speed 6.9 mph.Part of the way, I rode in company with a guy on a green Cannondale, had a nice conversation for a few miles.
When I got back to the trailhead, I fell down trying to get into the toilet. Fortunately there was a group of cyclists there (a couple of 'em fans of my site!) and they were able to help me get back up on my feet again, also helped me put the trike back up onto the back of the Pontiac. I was weak enough from the ride that I'm not sure I could have done either without their assistance.
eBook (in progress): The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol II Edward Gibbon, 1787
The Christians were beginning to be noticed toward the end of Volume I, and the beginning of this volume is devoted to the rise and persecution of the Christians. Gibbon is a bit of an apologist for some of the Roman treatment of the Christians, to the horror of Rev. H.H. Milman writing notes in 1845.Gibbon seems to believe that much of the reason for the persecution of the Christians was that the Romans couldn't tell them from the Jews, and that the Jews had it coming. He speaks very harshly of the Jews and accuses them of major massacres at various locations during this period. Indeed, to a Polytheist, the doctrinal distinctions between Jews and Christians could seem fairly subtle and unimportant. As time went on, however, the proselytism of the Christians caused them to be seen as more of a threat.
According to Gibbon, the general Roman attitude was one of tolerance. The Romans had their gods, the Greeks theirs, the Egyptians there own, etc. This seemed right and proper to the Polytheist, there was no contradiction, nor any obvious limit on how many gods there might be. The Jews and Christians were considered offensive because they denied the existence of all gods but theirs, and furthermore, they stated that it was wicked to worship any other gods. This went against all of the conventional civic piety of the time, and was seen as a threat to the foundations of Roman society. The Jews could be ghettoized and thus tolerated, but as the Christians started making Gentile converts, religious strife started to divide Roman families.
Roman patricians found it bizarre and déclassé that anybody could take an obscure carpenter from the boondocks seriously as a religious figure.
Books reviewed on this page: | ||
1634: The Bavarian Crisis | Eric Flint and Virginia DeMarce | 6/23/07 |
Anti-Grav Unlimited | Duncan Long | 5/10/07 |
Encounter in Atlanta | Ed Howdershelt | 5/20/07 |
Stranger in a Strange Land | Robert A. Heinlein | 5/5/07 |
The Speed of Dark | Elizabeth Moon | 5/17/07 |
Films reviewed on this page: | ||
Apocalypto | June 4, 2007 | |
Babel | May 12, 2007 | |
Brief Encounter | May 23, 2007 | |
Casino Royale | May 7, 2007 | |
Children of Men | May 3, 2007 | |
Flags of Our Fathers | May 14, 2007 | |
Guess Who | May 9, 2007 | |
Laurel Canyon | June 13, 2007 | |
Letters from Iwo Jima | June 27, 2007 | |
Over There | May 22, 2007 | |
Paper Moon | May 25, 2007 | |
Paris Je T'Aime | June 8, 2007 | |
P.S. | May 19, 2007 | |
Transamerica | June 5, 2007 |
Music reviewed on this page: | ||
Date | Performers | Works |
June 22, 2007 | Revels Circle of Song | Summer Revels |
June 13, 2007 | Boston Pops, Keith Lockhart | Carousel |
May 31, 2007 | Revels Pub Sing at Doyles, Jamaica Plain | |
May 20, 2007 | M.I.T. Chantey Sing | |
May 12, 2007 | M.I.T.G.A.S.P | Gilbert & Sullivan: Princess Ida |
Plays: | ||
November 29, 2002 | Lorraine Bracco | The Graduate |
November 23, 2001 | Helen Mirren, Ian McKelln | The Dance of Death-August Strindberg |
September 30, 2000 | Tova/Black Box Theatre, Cornell University | The Maids-Jean Genet |
May 30, 2000 | Kelsey Grammer/Colonial Theatre | Macbeth |
May 26, 2000 | The Huntington Theatre Co. | King Hedley II |
September 3, 1999 | The Publick Theatre | Nine |
August 21, 1999 | Orange Tree Theatre, Ithaca, N.Y. | Sonata |
August 13, 1999 | Firehouse Theatre, Ithaca, N.Y. | Sister Mary Ignatius Explains it All For You |
May 22-29 | Newton South/North High Schools | Richard III |
December 18, 1998 | Newton North High School | The Bone Violin, May F lies |
November 12, 1998 | Newton North High School | To Kill a Mockingbird |
Travels: | |
November 21-24, 2007 | Plantation, Florida |
September 25-28, 2007 | Las Vegas, Nevada |
August 18-25, 2007 | Truro, Cape Cod, Massachusetts |
November 22-26, 2006 | Plantation, Florida |
September 25-28, 2006 | Las Vegas (Interbike) |
June 10-20, 2006 | Santa Cruz, California |
May 5-7, 2006 | Aurora, Indiana |
November 23, 2005 | Plantation, Florida |
September 26-29, 2005 | Interbike, Las Vegas, Nevada |
August 26-28, 2005 | 'Bentride 2005, Bath, N.Y. |
July 21-24, 2005 | Family Reunion, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. |
April 29, 2005 | Cirque de Cyclisme, Greensboro, N.C. |
February 16, 2005 | Indianapolis |
November 24, 2004 | Plantation, Florida |
October 8, 2004 | Santa Cruz, California |
October 4, 2004 | Las Vegas, Nevada |
June 8, 2004 | France, England |
December 22, 2003 | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
November 27, 2003 | Florida |
October 31, 2003 | Potomac, Maryland |
October 10, 2003 | Las Vegas, Nevada |
September 21, 2003 | New York, N.Y. |
November 27-30, 2002 | New York, N.Y. |
October 8-13, 2002 | Evanston, Illinois |
October 4-8, 2002 | Las Vegas, Nevada |
July 3-9, 2002 | Canso, Nova Scotia |
May 24-27, 2002 | Long Island, New York |
November 21-24, 2001 | New York City |
October 16-19, 2001 | Cape Cod, Massachusetts |
September 29-October 3, 2001 | Las Vegas, Nevada (Interbike Show) |
June 16-23, 2001 | Nags Head, North Carolina |
October 5-14, 2000 | Evanston, Illinois |
September 30-October 2, 2000 | Ithaca, New York |
June 22-25, 2000 | Urbanna, Virginia |
October 7-13, 1999 | Chicago/Evanston, Illinois |
August 19-28, 1999 | Ithaca, New York |
August 12-13, 1999 | Ithaca, New York |
July 23-25, 1999 | Bridgeton, Maine |
November 25-28, 1998 | Fort Lauderdale, Florida |
1988-89 | France, England |
1980 | Yucatan, Mexico |
1975 | England, Belgium, Yugoslavia, Turkey |
Last Updated: by Harriet Fell