Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed hubs

We have updated our article about Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed internal-gear hubs to reflect changes in hub availability and new documentation.

Sturmey-Archer S%W hub
Sturmey-Archer S5W hub

Sturmey-Archer indicator spindles

John has compiled an article with dimensions of most kinds of Sturmey-Archer indicator spindle — the little rod and chain which the shifter cable pulls to shift the gears inside the hub. There are over a dozen different indicator spindles, with different lengths, intended for different hubs — but importantly, there is a lot of compatibilty among them.

Five-Speed Hub Gears

Article about 4- and 5-speed Sturmey-Archer hubs kindly shared by John Forester and now on This dips into the history of the hubs and suggests several useful modifications also applicable to other hubs.

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