Update on direct-pull brakes (“V brakes”)

Shimano Parallel-Push V-Brake
Shimano Parallel-Push V-Brake

Sheldonbrown.com makes a point of providing information which is hard to find elsewhere and which will help keep older bicycles working like new — or better. Shimano Parallel-Push V-brakes have a very nice feature in that the brake shoes approach the rim squarely rather than rotating, with the risk of damaging the tire or diving under the rim. Reader Paul Rintoule has kindly sent in information on how to refurbish Shimano parallel-push direct-pull brakes to stop them from squealing, even though Shimano parts kits are getting very hard to find. This information has now been added to our page about direct-pull brakes.

Raleigh Twenty page expanded

Our page about Raleigh Twenty bicycles has been expanded with two new sections, about the hinge and the rear rack. Find out why the humble and disdained Pletscher rear rack works great on a Twenty, and how to make a replacement for a missing hinge key.

Sheldon Brown's 8-speed Raleigh Twenty bicycle
Sheldon Brown’s 8-speed Raleigh Twenty bicycle
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