Our page on ways to measure bicycle components can save time and avoid the need for some expensive tools. We have now added information on how to compare chains. And the example in the photo here: How to determine the length of a cable without uncoiling it.
Month: December 2021
Remembering Sheldon

Sheldon Brown would have been 77 years old today. We miss him very much.
In this picture his big brother Richard is reading to him. And at the right is the cover of the book Richard was reading.
“Run, run
As fast as you can,
You can’t catch me,
I’m the gingerbread man.”
Cable installation
John added photos and a quite a lot of additional information to our page about cables, and the page got too long — so we have split it into two pages. The original cables page now includes more background information — why use cables, the different types, and a video showing how they work. The cable installation page has many new photos, added details, and tricks and tips.