We have updated our article about Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed internal-gear hubs to reflect changes in hub availability and new documentation.

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We have updated our article about Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed internal-gear hubs to reflect changes in hub availability and new documentation.
We have a major update to our page on upgrading older bicycles to index shifting. This can be done at a lower cost than you may expect, because there is usually no need to replace the rear wheel! Shifter choices, parts compatibility issues.
Our Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed hub page has been updated with links to newly-available information on recent 5-speed hubs.
John has compiled an article with dimensions of most kinds of Sturmey-Archer indicator spindle — the little rod and chain which the shifter cable pulls to shift the gears inside the hub. There are over a dozen different indicator spindles, with different lengths, intended for different hubs — but importantly, there is a lot of compatibilty among them.
Article about 4- and 5-speed Sturmey-Archer hubs kindly shared by John Forester and now on sheldonbrown.com. This dips into the history of the hubs and suggests several useful modifications also applicable to other hubs.
Major updates to the page on Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed hubs, mostly concerning the hubs sold from 1991 through 2009.
There’s more troubleshooting advice now in our article about Sachs/SRAM internal-gear hubs: how to test whether a problem is inside the hub, or only in the shifter and cable — for hubs with 3, 5 or 7 speeds, with pullchain(s) or clickbox.