Air bag helmet demo

An air bag bicycle helmet has been in the news lately, and there is an evaluation of it online, if you care for the details. However, years ago, Sheldon posted a scan of a poster for another air bag helmet on the site. Unfortunately, he had only a rather worn copy to scan from. We’ve now had the loan of a copy in fine condition and had it professionally scanned. A small copy of it is below but you may view it in its full glory elsewhere on the site.

Air bag helmet poster
Air bag helmet poster

Sheldon’s Articles for Adventure Cycling

From 1999 through 2007, Sheldon wrote the column “Mechanical Advantage” for Adventure Cycling, the magazine of the Adventure Cycling Association. He covered a wide range of mechanical topics, oriented toward the needs of the bicycle tourists with the Adventure Cycling Association serves. All of these articles are online, and we now have a convenient table of contents for them on our site.

Sheldon’s Adventure Cyclist articles

John has created a table of contents page for the articles which Sheldon wrote for the Adventure Cycling Association’s magazine, Adventure Cyclist, from 1997 through 2007. Many of these articles relate to ones on this site, and John is adding links and in some cases revising the related articles on this site. For example, the article on fenders has undergone major revisions.

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