Ajuste de conos

Thanks to Pablo Zumárraga, the article on “Cone Adjustment” (http://sheldonbrown.com/cone-adjustment.html) is now available in Spanish: “Ajuste de Conos” (http://sheldonbrown.com/spanish/cone-adjustment-Spanish.html).

Gracias á Pablo Zumárraga, el artí­culo “Cone Adjustment” (http://sheldonbrown.com/cone-adjustment.html) ahora está disponible en español: “Ajuste de Conos” (http://sheldonbrown.com/spanish/cone-adjustment-Spanish.html).

ajuste de conos...
ajuste de conos…

Quick releases

I’ve responded to a request from a reader for more information about quick-release skewer lengths by going further, with a major expansion of the article about quick releases. The article now covers wheel installation, secondary retention devices including the much-derided “lawyer lips”, and much more. — http://sheldonbrown.com/skewers.html — John Allen, for sheldonbrown.com

Effective length of a quick-release skewer
Effective length of a quick-release skewer
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