The Eagle Has Landed

Sheldon would have been 73 today.

Sheldon on horseback -- briefly
Sheldon on horseback — briefly

On November 3, 2003 Sheldon explored another mode of transportation. This was his first time riding a horse, Walter, a large (17 hands) 9-year old draft cross. Sheldon insisted on riding in shorts and on using his bike helmet with eagle on top instead of the usual required gear. Out on the trail, all went well until Walter started trotting on a downhill. Sheldon lost his seat and fell off in the grass. One of the other riders who came to help Sheldon noticed his helmet and said, “The eagle has landed …. ” Sheldon stuck with bicycles after that.

Sheldon died on February 4, 2008. Walter is living in the Midwest as a beloved family horse.

Air bag helmet demo

An air bag bicycle helmet has been in the news lately, and there is an evaluation of it online, if you care for the details. However, years ago, Sheldon posted a scan of a poster for another air bag helmet on the site. Unfortunately, he had only a rather worn copy to scan from. We’ve now had the loan of a copy in fine condition and had it professionally scanned. A small copy of it is below but you may view it in its full glory elsewhere on the site.

Air bag helmet poster
Air bag helmet poster
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