Modeling bicycle dynamics

We publish another paper by Osman Isvan. He uses a simplified model with only 3 degrees of freedom and simulates system frequency response under steady-state and transient conditions. He investigates the effects on vibration isolation of several key parameters including tire pressure, frame compliance and riding position. The graph below from his paper, one of several, shows results when tire pressure is changed.

Graph from Osman Isvan’s paper on bicycle dynamics

Osman Isvan on Hills, Winds — and Data

Osman Isvan takes a deeper look into hills and winds.

  • Do you (or should you) work harder when climbing a hill?
  • How hard do you (or should you) work on a given hill? Does it depend on your gearing? The slope of the hill? What are all the relevant factors?
  • Do you (or should you) work harder against an uphill slope than you would work against a headwind? Why?
Hill and Wind factors in Osman’s effort

Isvan on Power Management

Osman Isvan has written a paper, Power Management for Lightweight Vehicles, and has been kind enough to send it for posting on Isvan gives special attention to how to make the most efficient use of electrical-assist power. His conclusions are probably not what you expect!

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