keeps reference material available on older coaster brakes and internal-gear hubs. We’ve just revised the page on the antique Morrow coaster brake

What's new at keeps reference material available on older coaster brakes and internal-gear hubs. We’ve just revised the page on the antique Morrow coaster brake
Sutherland’s handbook of Coaster Brake and Internally-Geared Hubs is now online on this site. Many thanks to Howard Sutherland for permission to post this! The site now covers just about any of these hubs which you might ever have to work on.
Coverage of coaster brakes on has been greatly expanded, now including all the most common models, old and new.
The recently-released iPad app Cyclepedia is for the most part a very slick, enhanced presentation of 100 bicycles in a historical collection ranging from 1920 to the present. The photography is superb, the bicycles are of many different types, and the app makes full use of the iPad to rotate and zoom the images, even to swipe images of folding bicycles to see how they fold. Cyclepedia was app of the week in the UK iPad store. It references for further technical information.