Tandem Updates

Pages about tandems and tandeming Sheldon Brown and family on home-built tandems[/caption] have been updated. We have more about disc brakes, brake levers, Gates synchronizing belts, and details about upgrading a cheap beach-resort tandem to ride with a child.

Sheldon Brown and family on home-built tandems
Sheldon Brown and family on home-built tandems

Steel frame repair

Aluminum, titanium and carbon-fiber frames are fashionable, and generally lighter than steel frames. But if you are on a bicycle tour to a remote area, the ability of any small-town welder to perform an ugly but functional repair on a steel frame could allow you to continue. You may be able to straighten a bent frame yourself. Read about it here.

John Schubert speaks up for steel
John Schubert speaks up for steel

Band brakes

A band brake, common in Japan and occasionally seen in the USA, is an inside-out drum brake. Instead of brake shoes which press outward against the inside of a brake drum, a band brake has a flexible band which wraps around the outside of the drum. A band brake is easy to install and adjust, and we show how. While a band brake can be very effective for flatland cycling, it is not good for downhills and should never be used on a front wheel. Read why in our new article.

a bicycle band brake
a bicycle band brake

Tricycles for Grown-ups

New article describes the various kinds of tricycles, their features, advantages and disadvantages. Tricycles are especially useful for carrying heavy loads and for people who for one reason or another cannot balance a bicycle. Tricycles can also be sporty and fast.

Sheldon Brown takes his Greenspeed tricycle off-road
Sheldon Brown takes his Greenspeed tricycle off-road

Bicycle generators

Shimano Alfine hub generator
Shimano Alfine hub generator
Generators for bicycle lighting — new article by guest author Frank Krygowski. Advantages and disadvantages compared with batteries; types, history, installation.
Busch & Müller Dymotec tire-sidewall generator
Busch & Müller Dymotec tire-sidewall generator

A brief history of bicycle lighting

Updated and expanded: a brief history of bicycle lighting, from candle lamps to LEDs.

Kerosene bicycle lamp from around 1895
Kerosene bicycle lamp from around 1895
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