Shimano 3-speed hubs

We have updated our page about Shimano 3-speed hubs. Shimano redid its Web site and broke all the links to technical information. We have repaired the damage and added a few more links, tips and tricks as well.

Shimano Nexus SG-3D55 3-speed hub.
Shimano Nexus SG-3D55 3-speed hub

Unthreaded bottom-bracket update

Ashtabula bottom bracket
Ashtabula bottom bracket

Major update to the unthreaded bottom bracket cribsheet: several additional ones covered, broken links repaired. yes, everything from Ashtabula one-piece crank BBs (as shown in the photo) to the Klein Team Super to eccentrics for tandems.

Major update to Shimano 8-speed IG hub page

Our page about Shimano 8-speed internal-gear hubs now includes information on the new hub models. The table listing hubs has a new column indicating which cassette joint or motor unit works with each hub, and which hubs have interchangeable internal parts.

Shimano Alfine 8-speed hub
Shimano Alfine 8-speed hub

Updated information on drivetrain compatibility

Our article about cassettes has been updated to include information on 11-speed systems. Interesting — all major brands of 11-speed casettes now have the same sprocket spacing. Most rear derailers and shifters are not compatible, though. We can tell you which ones are.

Shimano cassette Freehub
Shimano cassette Freehub
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