Osman Isvan on Hills, Winds — and Data

Osman Isvan takes a deeper look into hills and winds.

  • Do you (or should you) work harder when climbing a hill?
  • How hard do you (or should you) work on a given hill? Does it depend on your gearing? The slope of the hill? What are all the relevant factors?
  • Do you (or should you) work harder against an uphill slope than you would work against a headwind? Why?
Hill and Wind factors in Osman’s effort

Osman Isvan on Ride Data

Osman analyzes data from over 1000 of his own bicycle rides to see what they show, and describes what might be discovered by mining the huge troves of data held by Strava, RidewithGPS and other GPS-based mapping services. Osman makes a particularly trenchant suggestion for e-bike design based on his analysis, and discusses issues of data privacy. Find this along with Osman’s other articles at  https://www.sheldonbrown.com/isvan.html

Figure 1 from Osman's article
Figure 1 from Osman’s article


Selling Bicycles and Components

We have expanded our article for individuals selling bicycles and components — which also holds advice for buyers. There is a new section about shipping. This article holds all the basic information you need on where to post an advertisement and how to create it — how to take good photos of the bicycle, and measurements so the buyer will be able to determine whether the bicycle fits.

Measuring seat-tube length
Measuring seat-tube length -top
Measuring set tube length,starts at the center of the BB spindle
Measuring seat tube length starts at the center of the BB spindle

Synchronizing Audio and Video

Sheldonbrown.com technical writer and editor John Allen frequently shoots video from his bicycle using more than one camera; sometimes a separate audio recorder. The output must be synchronized in post production. John has now performed a major update on his article about how to keep the recordings in sync, going so far as creating true surround sound without a surround recorder.

Hand clap to synchronize video and audio
Change speed dialog box in the Audacity audio editor.
Change Speed dialog box in the Audacity audio editor.

Gear calculator updated

The Gear Calculator has been updated with new Shimano, SRAM and Campagnolo cassettes, and the new Shimano Steps 5-speed internal-gear hub for E-bikes. French and German versions of the Calculator have been updated too.

Addition to post about 360-degree video

Thanks to Philip Carlson, our article about 360-degree video now includes a video clip illustrating the nighttime performance of the Garmin VIRB 360 camera. As expected, there is camera-motion blur, but it looks much different from that with a conventional camera.

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