John added photos and a quite a lot of additional information to our page about cables, and the page got too long — so we have split it into two pages. The original cables page now includes more background information — why use cables, the different types, and a video showing how they work. The cable installation page has many new photos, added details, and tricks and tips.
Tag: bowden cable
Drum brakes
New article about drum brakes — how they work, their advantages and disadvantages, installation, maintenance, safety considerations.

Upgrading to index shifting
We have a major update to our page on upgrading older bicycles to index shifting. This can be done at a lower cost than you may expect, because there is usually no need to replace the rear wheel! Shifter choices, parts compatibility issues.

Update on Shimano IG Hubs
Shimano Alfine 11-speed page update
Continuing our updates of Shimano internal-gear hub pages, we have now updated our page about Shimano Alfine 11-speed hubs.

Update to internal-gear cable-pull page
Our page listing internal-gear-hub cable pulls lengths is now updated to cover the new Sturmey-Archer rotary (pulley) shifting 3-speeds.

Cable-pull adapters update
We do minor updates on an ongoing basis and often don’t announce them. Latest is to the cribsheet on cable-pull adapters.
Shimano Rollerbrake page updated
Revisions to the Shimano Rollerbrake page: links to Shimano’s (finally) well-organized compilation of Rollerbrake documentation; information on installing front Rollerbrakes.

More hubs in cable-pull cribsheet
Added information on four hubs to the internal-gear hub cable pull cribsheet:
Shimano Alfine 11-speed
Sturmey-Archer S3X
Sturmey-Archer ASC
Thanks to Jeff Meredith and Michael Wilson for the measurements!
Sturmey-Archer 8-speed Cable Pull
Information the current series of Sturmey-Archer 8-speed hubs has been added to the cribsheet of internal-gear hub cable pull measurements. Not quite the same as for the earlier series! Thanks to David Choma for the measurements!