Update to our gear calculator. It now supports custom 12-sprocket cassettes, and has a listing for the stock SRAM 12-sprocket cassette. Not that we really think that thin sprockets, with a flimsy chain, are a good idea!
Tag: cassette
Updated information on drivetrain compatibility
Our article about cassettes has been updated to include information on 11-speed systems. Interesting — all major brands of 11-speed casettes now have the same sprocket spacing. Most rear derailers and shifters are not compatible, though. We can tell you which ones are.

Update to the 10-speed cassette page
Major update of the 10-speed cassette page — covers new models and an additional brand.
Shimano 9-speed cassettes

Major update to our page on Shimano and Shimano-compatible 9-speed cassettes. We’ve fixed broken links from when manufacturers updated *their* Web pages, and updated information on availability.
Upgrading old road bikes
I’ve filled out and Harriet has formatted Sheldon’s page about upgrading old road bikes, which Sheldon left as a work in progress.
ShelBroCo new product
Check it out! The honored tradition of ShelBroCo products lives on!