How to expose the inner tube for patching without removing the wheel, and how to put things back together — very useful on a bicycle where removing the wheel is difficult. This article includes videos showing how to do it step by step.

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How to expose the inner tube for patching without removing the wheel, and how to put things back together — very useful on a bicycle where removing the wheel is difficult. This article includes videos showing how to do it step by step.
A brake quick release lets you remove and replace a wheel without deflating the tire. Our new video shows how a brake quick release works. The video appears in our article about flat tires, and the glossary.
John has made a few revisions to Sheldon’s page on flat tires. More to come…
John has done minor editing on tires.html and its British English clone.
John updated the page on repair of flat tires, also adding some new tricks, checking links etc. html