The headsets page has been updated with much more information on threadless headsets, a description of the Standardized Headset Identification System, advice on mixing and matching headset types, and more!
What's new at sheldonbrown.com
The headsets page has been updated with much more information on threadless headsets, a description of the Standardized Headset Identification System, advice on mixing and matching headset types, and more!
There are now translations of the Cables and Cranks articles into Slovak, thanks to translator Juraj Peressényi.
Our Teaching Kids to Ride page is availble in Belarusian.
There are three articles in Chinese thanks to Phil Feng, and numerous articles in French, German, Russian; a couple in Spanish and Czech.
Harriet has revised the Translations table of contents page, which was becoming unwieldy in its earlier format.
If you can read English but your native language is another, we welcome translations. Please see our translations page for further information.