Crib sheet of internal-gear hub cable-pull measurements

Alex Wetmore's cable pull measuring tool
Alex Wetmore’s cable-pull measuring tool

NEW – Crib sheet of internal-gear hub shifter cable pull measurements

The main thing this shows is that there is very little compatibility, though there is *some* — mostly among three-speeds, though not always among them either. I thank Alex Wetmore and Jeff Bertolet for help with this page.

Quick releases

I’ve responded to a request from a reader for more information about quick-release skewer lengths by going further, with a major expansion of the article about quick releases. The article now covers wheel installation, secondary retention devices including the much-derided “lawyer lips”, and much more. — — John Allen, for

Effective length of a quick-release skewer
Effective length of a quick-release skewer

More indicator spindles

David Prosser of Sturmey Archer has sent information about a couple of Sturmey-Archer indicator spindles (the chain-pull assembly which shifts the hub). It is now on our indicator spindle page. Thanks David!

Home-brew hybrid gearing

BWR-SRF31Additions to the article on internal-gear hubs — more about how to construct a multi-speed hybrid-gearing system using a stock 3-speed hub and two sprockets and/or two chainwheels. It indexes even without index shifters! Photo courtesy of Mark Stonich.

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