Leather saddle repair

Simon Firth, of Transport cycles, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Brooks authorized repair site.
Simon Firth, of Transport cycles, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Brooks authorized repair site.

A rail on your Brooks leather saddle broke? Our new page lists repair sites around the world. Your repaired saddle will be better than new, because it is broken in. Photo: Simon Firth, of Transport cycles, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, authorized Brooks repair site. Do-it-yourself repair is also sometimes possible and we tell how.

Leather saddle update

Major additions to our page on leather saddles — descriptions and photos of different Brooks saddle models, comments on other brands, lots more advice on adjustments and leather care.


Major update to our article on chain maintenance — bicycle chain was developed in the U.K. and is dimensioned in inches. Most of the world including the U.K. has gone over to the metric system. How do you tell whether a worn chain needs replacement using a ruler marked off in centimeters? We’ll show you how! (Inches too, of course.)

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