New page on SunTour Perfect, Pro-Compe and New Winner freewheels. These are no longer made, but there are a lot of them around and they offer many options including the ability to work with older frames that have smaller overlocknut distance than current frames. We have information on choosing, maintaining and customizing these freewheels.
Tag: shelbroco
Reorganization of headset tables

Our tables of headset sizes have been reorganized to make it easier to determine which headset can be made to fit which frame and fork. Fork crown race seats can be milled down and head tube race seats can be enlarged. The tables now are in order of head tube race seat size, as the frame is the more difficult and expensive to replace, followed by fork crown race seat size. The tables are used in the article on headsets and several other articles.
Shimmy, or speed wobble
A new article on shimmy, or speed wobble — what it is, why it happens, how to prevent it and how to recover from it.
More tire-sizing updates : added more info on “27 five” tires, and a photo (thanks to Aaron Goss!). : added several tire sizes
ShelBroCo Dent Removal System
A prized, classic steel bicycle frame with butted tubing (thick-walled at the ends for strength, thin-walled in the middle for light weight) is easily dented, but ShelBroCo has a fix — it’s quick, effective and easy to use!
Sturmey-Archer indicator spindles
John has compiled an article with dimensions of most kinds of Sturmey-Archer indicator spindle — the little rod and chain which the shifter cable pulls to shift the gears inside the hub. There are over a dozen different indicator spindles, with different lengths, intended for different hubs — but importantly, there is a lot of compatibilty among them.
Sheldon’s desktop images
We present a collection of images of bicycles and parts that Sheldon felt “some folks might find fun to use as a screensaver”. They might be used for desktop images. The images are all 1024 x 768 pixels, horizontal orientation. Sheldon put a 2008 copyright on this page so it is one of the last things he created before his untimely death on February 4, 2008. Though these images have been available since 2008, we only stumbled across them recently and there were no links to them on the site until now.
Rollerbrakes article expanded
Major additions to the article on Shimano Rollerbrakes — advanced instruction on maintenance, more advice about when these brakes are most suitable.
Article about Rohloff hub
We have spiffed up an article about the Rohloff 14-speed internal-gear hub which had been lurking on the Harris Cyclery part of the site and placed it with the other informational articles.
About torque
John has written a new article about torque, as it applies to threaded parts, braking and drivetrains.