Continuing our updates of Shimano internal-gear hub pages, we have now updated our page about Shimano Alfine 11-speed hubs.

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Continuing our updates of Shimano internal-gear hub pages, we have now updated our page about Shimano Alfine 11-speed hubs.
The Shimano 3-speed hub page has been updated with coverage of the SG-3R75 pulley-shifting hub including drive ratios. The gear calculator pages also have been updated.
Our page about Shimano 8-speed internal-gear hubs now includes information on the new hub models. The table listing hubs has a new column indicating which cassette joint or motor unit works with each hub, and which hubs have interchangeable internal parts.
Our article about cassettes has been updated to include information on 11-speed systems. Interesting — all major brands of 11-speed casettes now have the same sprocket spacing. Most rear derailers and shifters are not compatible, though. We can tell you which ones are.
Our page listing internal-gear-hub cable pulls lengths is now updated to cover the new Sturmey-Archer rotary (pulley) shifting 3-speeds.
We do minor updates on an ongoing basis and often don’t announce them. Latest is to the cribsheet on cable-pull adapters.
Our Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed hub page has been updated with links to newly-available information on recent 5-speed hubs. reader Bruce Dance has contributed some helpful information on compatibility — or the lack of it — among different models. Read it on the 8-speed internal-gear hub page
Added information on four hubs to the internal-gear hub cable pull cribsheet:
Shimano Alfine 11-speed
Sturmey-Archer S3X
Sturmey-Archer ASC
Thanks to Jeff Meredith and Michael Wilson for the measurements!
Major revision to the page about Shimano 8-speed hubs:
— Added information on new hub models and fixed the many links which Shimano broke when it went to its new organization of technical Web pages.
— Linked to a number of documents Shimano abandoned. They’re available in the Internet Archive.
— Located other orphaned information where I could find it elsewhere on the Internet.
All in all, I’ve brought the information on each model of hub together in one place, to the degree possible with what I could find. Please let me know about errors and omissions.