Sutherland’s planned to cover new internal-gear hubs in the 6th Edition (1996) of its Handbook, but then left them out. In straightening up my office recently, I found the nearly finished draft pages. We have permission, and we’ll be adding them to our Internet republication of Sutherland’s Handbook of Coaster Brakes and Internal-Gear Hubs — including trouble charts and comparative parts lists not to be found elsewhere. First hub is now online: the Shimano 4-speed – John Allen.
Tag: 4-speed
Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed hubs
We have updated our article about Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed internal-gear hubs to reflect changes in hub availability and new documentation.

Shimano 4-speed IG Hub Page Updated
Shimano Nexus 4-speed page updated — in our continuing quest to keep up to date with Shimano’s ever-changing Web site, we’ve updated the links and related information on Shimano Nexus 4-speed internal-gear hubs

Update to 5-speed hub information
Our Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed hub page has been updated with links to newly-available information on recent 5-speed hubs.

Shimano 4-speed hub gears

Expanded coverage of Shimano Nexus 4-speed hub gears — we now have rebuilding information, translated from manuals in German which are the only ones we could find online — complete instructions for both the freewheeling/Rollerbrake version and the coaster brake version. Thanks go to Patricia Morris for assistance with translation.
Sturmey-Archer indicator spindles
John has compiled an article with dimensions of most kinds of Sturmey-Archer indicator spindle — the little rod and chain which the shifter cable pulls to shift the gears inside the hub. There are over a dozen different indicator spindles, with different lengths, intended for different hubs — but importantly, there is a lot of compatibilty among them.
Shimano Nexus 4-speed
John has put together a new article about the Shimano Nexus 4-speed internal-gear hub, with links to a parts list and servicing information. This hub has been discontinued, but in case you want to keep one going…
Sturmey-Archer anti-rotation washers
Major addition to our article with general technical information about Sturmey-Archer internal-gear hubs — the different types of anti-rotation washers. It matters which ones you use!
Updates to Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed hub page
Major updates to the page on Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed hubs, mostly concerning the hubs sold from 1991 through 2009.
Shimano Internal-Gear Hubs
John has made major updates to the pages on Shimano Nexus and Alfine internal-gear hubs — 3-speed, 7-speed and 8-speed; also a page with general mechanical information.