Cable installation

John added photos and a quite a lot of additional information to our page about cables, and the page got too long — so we have split it into two pages. The original cables page now includes more background information — why use cables, the different types, and a video showing how they work. The cable installation page has many new photos, added details, and tricks and tips.

Osman Isvan on Hills, Winds — and Data

Osman Isvan takes a deeper look into hills and winds.

  • Do you (or should you) work harder when climbing a hill?
  • How hard do you (or should you) work on a given hill? Does it depend on your gearing? The slope of the hill? What are all the relevant factors?
  • Do you (or should you) work harder against an uphill slope than you would work against a headwind? Why?

Hill and Wind factors in Osman’s effort

Gear calculator updated

The Gear Calculator has been updated with new Shimano, SRAM and Campagnolo cassettes, and the new Shimano Steps 5-speed internal-gear hub for E-bikes. French and German versions of the Calculator have been updated too.

Revisions to Sachs/SRAM Internal-gear hub pages

Every once in a while we go back and review our pages to deal with product changes and link rot. We just did that with all our pages about Sachs and SRAM internal-gear hubs. You will find product manuals here which are hard to find anywhere else. You can start with our main page about these hubs.

Sachs and SRAM internal-gear hubs update

We have updated all of our pages about Sachs and SRAM internal-gear hubs, fixing broken links and, regretfully, indicating that SRAM is now no longer making internal-gear hubs. But many of you are using these hubs, and we are maintaining information on them. Main page with links to others.

The Elan 12-speed -- biggest, baddest internal-gear hub of them all
The Elan 12-speed — biggest, baddest internal-gear hub of them all

Fixed gear, singlespeed

All of our pages about fixed-gear and singlespeed bicycles have been updated. Information about derailerless drivetrains including workarounds for frames with vertical dropouts has been consolidated in a single article and expanded. Table of contents for these articles.

One of Sheldon's fixed-gear bicycles
One of Sheldon’s fixed-gear bicycles

Tricycles for Grown-ups

New article describes the various kinds of tricycles, their features, advantages and disadvantages. Tricycles are especially useful for carrying heavy loads and for people who for one reason or another cannot balance a bicycle. Tricycles can also be sporty and fast.

Sheldon Brown takes his Greenspeed tricycle off-road
Sheldon Brown takes his Greenspeed tricycle off-road

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