Shimano 3-speed hubs

We have updated our page about Shimano 3-speed hubs. Shimano redid its Web site and broke all the links to technical information. We have repaired the damage and added a few more links, tips and tricks as well.

Shimano Nexus SG-3D55 3-speed hub.
Shimano Nexus SG-3D55 3-speed hub

More info on SRAM internal-gear hubs

More information on the SRAM S7 internal-gear hub — a reader has sent us links to step-by-step rebuilding information and model comparisons, with photos. The text is in Russian but the photos tell the story and then there’s Google Translate. We’ve also checked an updated all the links on the page.

S7 hub internals
S7 hub internals

SRAM Automatix 2-speed hub

New article about the SRAM Automatix two-speed hub. We have information on maintenance, choice among variant models, and how to adjust the speed at which it shifts automatically.

Exploded diagram of the SRAM Automatix hub
Exploded diagram of the SRAM Automatix hub

Shimano 4-speed hub gears

Shimano Nexus 4-speed coaster-brake hub
Shimano Nexus 4-speed coaster-brake hub

Expanded coverage of Shimano Nexus 4-speed hub gears — we now have rebuilding information, translated from manuals in German which are the only ones we could find online — complete instructions for both the freewheeling/Rollerbrake version and the coaster brake version. Thanks go to Patricia Morris for assistance with translation.

SRAM and Sachs Internal-gear hubs

SRAM G8 internal-gear hub
SRAM G8 internal-gear hub

Updates to our main page on Sachs and SRAM hubs , and our page on the G8 and G9 hubs. We have located additional technical information from SRAM, and wehave fixed a number of Web links that went bad.

More indicator spindles

David Prosser of Sturmey Archer has sent information about a couple of Sturmey-Archer indicator spindles (the chain-pull assembly which shifts the hub). It is now on our indicator spindle page. Thanks David!

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