Article about 4- and 5-speed Sturmey-Archer hubs kindly shared by John Forester and now on This dips into the history of the hubs and suggests several useful modifications also applicable to other hubs.
Tag: shelbroco
Sturmey-Archer anti-rotation washers
Major addition to our article with general technical information about Sturmey-Archer internal-gear hubs — the different types of anti-rotation washers. It matters which ones you use!
Updates to Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed hub page
Major updates to the page on Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed hubs, mostly concerning the hubs sold from 1991 through 2009.
Emergency frame repairs
Headed out on tour where you could be 100 miles or more from the nearest bicycle shop? Or do you just want to know the principles of bicycle frame alignment? We have an article for you.
More troubleshooting advice on Sachs/SRAM internal-gear hubs
There’s more troubleshooting advice now in our article about Sachs/SRAM internal-gear hubs: how to test whether a problem is inside the hub, or only in the shifter and cable — for hubs with 3, 5 or 7 speeds, with pullchain(s) or clickbox.
Riparazione su strada
Just rolls off the tongue in Italian, doesn’t it? Salvatore Celi has translated our on-road repair article.
Sheldon’s Articles for Adventure Cycling
From 1999 through 2007, Sheldon wrote the column “Mechanical Advantage” for Adventure Cycling, the magazine of the Adventure Cycling Association. He covered a wide range of mechanical topics, oriented toward the needs of the bicycle tourists with the Adventure Cycling Association serves. All of these articles are online, and we now have a convenient table of contents for them on our site.
Product announcement
ShelBroCo is proud to announce ShelBroCo Sonics!
Addition to wheelbuilding page
New information in the wheelbuilding page about removing the bend from spokes where they exit the hub flange…