Sturmey-Archer indicator spindles

Major revision to our article about Sturmey-Archer indicator spindles — which ones fit which hubs. Also a new article on how to measure for an indicator spindle in case you can’t identify the hub. Many thanks to Bruce Dance for suggestions, corrections and new material!

Measuring an indicator spindle
Measuring an indicator spindle

Bicycle generators

Shimano Alfine hub generator
Shimano Alfine hub generator
Generators for bicycle lighting — new article by guest author Frank Krygowski. Advantages and disadvantages compared with batteries; types, history, installation.
Busch & Müller Dymotec tire-sidewall generator
Busch & Müller Dymotec tire-sidewall generator

Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed hubs

We have updated our article about Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed internal-gear hubs to reflect changes in hub availability and new documentation.

Sturmey-Archer S%W hub
Sturmey-Archer S5W hub

Raleigh Twenty page expanded

Our page about Raleigh Twenty bicycles has been expanded with two new sections, about the hinge and the rear rack. Find out why the humble and disdained Pletscher rear rack works great on a Twenty, and how to make a replacement for a missing hinge key.

Sheldon Brown's 8-speed Raleigh Twenty bicycle
Sheldon Brown’s 8-speed Raleigh Twenty bicycle

More hubs in cable-pull cribsheet

Added information on four hubs to the internal-gear hub cable pull cribsheet:

Shimano Alfine 11-speed
Sturmey-Archer S3X
Sturmey-Archer ASC

Thanks to Jeff Meredith and Michael Wilson for the measurements!

Sturmey-Archer Pages Updated

Major update to the Sturmey-Archer pages:

* fixed links which S-A broke by redoing its Web site (that’s everything about current hubs).

* updated the list of hubs.

* Added new technical information.

Our cribsheet of hub model names and descriptions is a good place to start.

Crib sheet of internal-gear hub cable-pull measurements

Alex Wetmore's cable pull measuring tool
Alex Wetmore’s cable-pull measuring tool

NEW – Crib sheet of internal-gear hub shifter cable pull measurements

The main thing this shows is that there is very little compatibility, though there is *some* — mostly among three-speeds, though not always among them either. I thank Alex Wetmore and Jeff Bertolet for help with this page.

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