Need a bit of fun to brighten up a cold winter day? Give this a try: Postings from Carapace Completed Umber.
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Need a bit of fun to brighten up a cold winter day? Give this a try: Postings from Carapace Completed Umber.
You can use a threadless headset with the Twenty’s threaded front fork! http://sheldonbrown.com/raleigh-twenty.html
Thanks to Pablo Zumárraga, the article on “Cone Adjustment” (http://sheldonbrown.com/cone-adjustment.html) is now available in Spanish: “Ajuste de Conos” (http://sheldonbrown.com/spanish/cone-adjustment-Spanish.html).
Gracias á Pablo Zumárraga, el artículo “Cone Adjustment” (http://sheldonbrown.com/cone-adjustment.html) ahora está disponible en español: “Ajuste de Conos” (http://sheldonbrown.com/spanish/cone-adjustment-Spanish.html).
Major revision to the page about Shimano 8-speed hubs:
— Added information on new hub models and fixed the many links which Shimano broke when it went to its new organization of technical Web pages.
— Linked to a number of documents Shimano abandoned. They’re available in the Internet Archive.
— Located other orphaned information where I could find it elsewhere on the Internet.
All in all, I’ve brought the information on each model of hub together in one place, to the degree possible with what I could find. Please let me know about errors and omissions.
Major revision to the page about Shimano 7-speed hubs:
— Added information on new hub models and fixed the many links which Shimano broke when it went to its new organization of technical Web pages
— Linked to a number of documents Shimano abandoned. They’re available in the Internet Archive.
— Located other orphaned information where I could find it elsewhere on the Internet.
All in all, I’ve brought the information on each model of hub together in one place, to the degree possible with what I could find. Please let me know about errors and omissions.
New article, derailerless drivetrains: How to choose frame and rear hub for a happy combination on a bicycle without derailers: a fixed gear, singlespeed, internal-gear hub, coaster brake bicycle — and how to adjust the chain tension. This article compiles information from the articles on fixed-gear and singlespeed bicycles. but adds to it and puts it in one place. Most issues with all derailerless drivetrains are the same, but there are important differences to note, there is new equipment to cover, and there are additional techniques to describe.
Updates to our main page on Sachs and SRAM hubs , and our page on the G8 and G9 hubs. We have located additional technical information from SRAM, and wehave fixed a number of Web links that went bad.