Check spoke tension by ear when building a wheel

Check the level of spoke tension by ear — unless you are tone deaf, a musical pitch reference (pitch pipe, tuning fork, smartphone app etc.) is all you need to tell whether you have brought spokes up to the appropriate level of tension when building a wheel. It’s faster than using a tensiometer!

Cyclecomputer and GPS accuracy

New page about the history of distance and speed measurement on bicycles, and the limitations of accuracy in measurement. Did you know that GPS readings wander, so you can rack up some distance even if you are standing still?

Raw GPS readings don't quite follow the road.
Raw GPS readings don’t quite follow the road.

Measuring tricks

Testing a cotterless crank with a wrench
Testing a cotterless crank with a wrench

We have a new article on how to perform the precise measurements needed to determine whether bicycle parts fit each other, without expensive and fragile tools. There are a number of clever tricks — for example, you can test the width of the square taper of a cotterless  crank with an ordinary open-end wrench!

Ajuste de conos

Thanks to Pablo Zumárraga, the article on “Cone Adjustment” ( is now available in Spanish: “Ajuste de Conos” (

Gracias á Pablo Zumárraga, el artí­culo “Cone Adjustment” ( ahora está disponible en español: “Ajuste de Conos” (

ajuste de conos...
ajuste de conos…

Kryptonite history

Just posted — an article on the invention and early history of the Kryptonite bicycle lock — including numerous illustrations, and interviews with Stan Kaplan, the inventor, and Michael Zane, who commercialized the product.

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