We have updated our article about Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed internal-gear hubs to reflect changes in hub availability and new documentation.

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We have updated our article about Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed internal-gear hubs to reflect changes in hub availability and new documentation.
Shimano Nexus 4-speed page updated — in our continuing quest to keep up to date with Shimano’s ever-changing Web site, we’ve updated the links and related information on Shimano Nexus 4-speed internal-gear hubs
Sheldonbrown.com provides a forwarding page whenever we consolidate or move material. Not so Shimano, which broke all our links to its technical information. Sigh. We have just repaired our page on Shimano 8-speed internal-gear hubs.
We have a major update to our page on upgrading older bicycles to index shifting. This can be done at a lower cost than you may expect, because there is usually no need to replace the rear wheel! Shifter choices, parts compatibility issues.
We have made major additions and updates to our article on locking and securing your bicycle against theft
New article about 360 degree video and the Garmin VIRB 360 camera — an action camera which shoots video in every direction at once. How to use this camera on a bicycle, describing where to mount it, its features and its limitations, with example video and still images. This camera is the first 360-degree camera to produce high-quality results at a price which is acceptable to many ordinary cyclists. It has some unusual features coming from the Garmin heritage as a GPS manufacturer, including the ability to keep the horizon level regardless of the orientation or motion of the camera. It also has some important limitations.
Sheldon would have been 73 today.
On November 3, 2003 Sheldon explored another mode of transportation. This was his first time riding a horse, Walter, a large (17 hands) 9-year old draft cross. Sheldon insisted on riding in shorts and on using his bike helmet with eagle on top instead of the usual required gear. Out on the trail, all went well until Walter started trotting on a downhill. Sheldon lost his seat and fell off in the grass. One of the other riders who came to help Sheldon noticed his helmet and said, “The eagle has landed …. ” Sheldon stuck with bicycles after that.
Sheldon died on February 4, 2008. Walter is living in the Midwest as a beloved family horse.