Edits to a number of articles in the Jobst Brandt series, and an embedded video in the one about front-end shimmy.
Tag: tyres
which tire fits which rim?
Major revision of the page on rim sizing to determine what tires will fit
Skid patch counts
Correction to formula and additional info including a calculation spreadsheet for the number of skid patches on the rear tire from skip-stop braking on a fixed-gear bicycle.
Now in Chinese — 中国
Phil Feng has translated three articles into Chinese — more to come:
Bicycle Brake Choices
About Bicycle Brakes with Brazed-on Fittings
Tire Sizing Systems
Flats photos
John added photos of a frame pump, mini pump and CO2 inflator to flats.html.
More updates
John Allen has done some revisions to the articles on tires/tyres and added more information on GPS to the article on cyclecomputer calibration.
John has made a few revisions to Sheldon’s page on flat tires. More to come…
John has done minor editing on tires.html and its British English clone.
John updated the page on repair of flat tires, also adding some new tricks, checking links etc. http://sheldonbrown.com/flats. html