John’s review of this popular camera is still a work in progress (no pictures yet) but is ready enough to make public.
Category: New pages
Sheldon’s Adventure Cyclist articles
John has created a table of contents page for the articles which Sheldon wrote for the Adventure Cycling Association’s magazine, Adventure Cyclist, from 1997 through 2007. Many of these articles relate to ones on this site, and John is adding links and in some cases revising the related articles on this site. For example, the article on fenders has undergone major revisions.
Repair of Shimano STI Drop-Bar Brake/Shift Levers
These levers no longer index properly when the grease inside gums up — and the internals are very complicated. John Allen has posted an article describing several approaches to repair of these levers, and with a link to an expert in rebuilding them.
Shoes and pedals
John Allen has written a new article on this topic, which Sheldon oddly did not cover. Read to the end, though, to learn something you may not have expected about Sheldon’s preference in cycling footwear.
ShelBroCo new product
Check it out! The honored tradition of ShelBroCo products lives on!