provides a forwarding page whenever we consolidate or move material. Not so Shimano, which broke all our links to its technical information. Sigh. We have just repaired our page on Shimano 8-speed internal-gear hubs.

What's new at provides a forwarding page whenever we consolidate or move material. Not so Shimano, which broke all our links to its technical information. Sigh. We have just repaired our page on Shimano 8-speed internal-gear hubs.
We have a major update to our page on upgrading older bicycles to index shifting. This can be done at a lower cost than you may expect, because there is usually no need to replace the rear wheel! Shifter choices, parts compatibility issues.
Continuing our updates of Shimano internal-gear hub pages, we have now updated our page about Shimano Alfine 11-speed hubs.
We have updated our page about Shimano 3-speed hubs. Shimano redid its Web site and broke all the links to technical information. We have repaired the damage and added a few more links, tips and tricks as well.
More information on the SRAM S7 internal-gear hub — a reader has sent us links to step-by-step rebuilding information and model comparisons, with photos. The text is in Russian but the photos tell the story and then there’s Google Translate. We’ve also checked an updated all the links on the page.
How to expose the inner tube for patching without removing the wheel, and how to put things back together — very useful on a bicycle where removing the wheel is difficult. This article includes videos showing how to do it step by step.
Information has been added to the Creaks, Clicks and Clunks page to help you diagnose several more problems. The page now covers more types of cranks, the noiseless lurches and bumps which occur due to tire damage, chain too wide for the sprockets, worn-out bottom bracket bearings, chain rub on front derailer…
Our Sturmey-Archer 4, 5 and 7-speed hub page has been updated with links to newly-available information on recent 5-speed hubs.
New article about the SRAM Automatix two-speed hub. We have information on maintenance, choice among variant models, and how to adjust the speed at which it shifts automatically.