Information has been added to the Creaks, Clicks and Clunks page to help you diagnose several more problems. The page now covers more types of cranks, the noiseless lurches and bumps which occur due to tire damage, chain too wide for the sprockets, worn-out bottom bracket bearings, chain rub on front derailer…
Tag: shelbroco
ShelBroCo Helium!
Helium weighs only 0.13 times as much as air. Imagine what it can do for your tires! Find out about ShelBroCo Helium!

SRAM Automatix 2-speed hub
New article about the SRAM Automatix two-speed hub. We have information on maintenance, choice among variant models, and how to adjust the speed at which it shifts automatically.

Tools and supplies to work on tires
Article about tools to care for tires and inner tubes (pumps, tire removal and replacement tools, flat-fixing supplies) pulled out of the article on fixing flat tires, which was getting too long, and expanded.

Inner tubes
New article, all about inner tubes: tire fit, the three kinds of valves, pump compatibility, tips and tricks.

Leather saddle repair

A rail on your Brooks leather saddle broke? Our new page lists repair sites around the world. Your repaired saddle will be better than new, because it is broken in. Photo: Simon Firth, of Transport cycles, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, authorized Brooks repair site. Do-it-yourself repair is also sometimes possible and we tell how.
Shimano Rollerbrake page updated
Revisions to the Shimano Rollerbrake page: links to Shimano’s (finally) well-organized compilation of Rollerbrake documentation; information on installing front Rollerbrakes.

Bicycle frame fatigue-resistance testing

The groundbreaking article about fatigue-resistance testing of bicycle frames — the results surprised even the people doing the test — now in a much-improved new translation from the original German.
Framebuilder information from Damon Rinard

Another Rinard article updated: his page of links to information, sources of materials and software for amateur frame builders.
Damon’s do-it-yourself carbon-fiber bicycle frame
Damon Rinard built a carbon-fiber bicycle frame in his garage! And we have just updated his pages describing how he did it, including sources for materials and tools. He points out that it’s actually much easier to build a carbon fiber frame than a steel frame.